Hypothyroidism symptoms

Do you suffer from the symptoms of hypothyroid disease? Very early stage of hypothyroid disease may be symptoms of hypothyroidism unnoticed or very mild. The symptoms for hypothyroid disease include: increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, weight gain, water retention, low heart rate, fatigue, decrease in sweating, muscle cramps, joint pain, dry itchy skin, thinning and increased brittleness of fingernails, rapid thoughts, depression, poor muscle tone, female infertility, problems with menstruation, hyperprolactinemia (a condition in which a person of either sex produces too much prolactin hormone and may produce milky secretions from their nipples), and elevated serum cholesterol. If left untreated you may develop severe hypothyroid disease. Severe hypothyroid symptoms include: decreased sensitivity to taste and smell, hoarseness, puffy face hands and feet, slow speech, thickening of the skin, thinning of eyebrows, and if left untreated may result in myxedema coma which is a life threatening condition.

Hypothyroidism is a medical condition caused by the thyroid gland not making enough thyroid hormone. Hypo is a Greek prefix meaning less as opposed to hyper which means more. Hypothyroid disease is contrasted against hyperthyroid disease which is a condition where the thyroid gland makes too much thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland is found in the front of the neck below the larynx. Thyroid hormone aids in controlling the body’s metabolism. When not enough is made the body’s metabolism slows down. A doctor will typically use a physical exam and a blood test to determine hormone levels and diagnose hypothyroid disease.

Hypothyroidism is commonly caused by inflammation of the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is also commonly caused by an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The body’s own defense cells attack the thyroid in this condition. Hypothyroidism may also develop following pregnancy in a condition known as postpartum thyroiditis. Hypothyroidism can also be caused by congenital defects, radiation therapy as part of a cancer treatment regimen, radioactive iodine treatment used to control hyperthyroidism, surgical removal of the thyroid gland, and late stage viral thyroiditis. Hypothyroidism can also result from taking certain medications. These include: amiodarone, drugs used to treat hyperthyroidism like propylthiouracil, and lithium. People over the age of 50 are at risk for hypothyroidism and women are at more of a risk than men are.

Hypothyroidism is most commonly treated by taking medication like levothyroxine which replaces hypothyroid symptoms the thyroid hormone that the body is not making on its own. Dosage is determined by finding the lowest possible dose which will bring thyroid hormone levels into the normal range and relieve the symptoms of hypothyroid. Hypothyroidism is normally a chronic condition. This means you will likely have it the rest of your life and that you cannot stop taking medication when you begin to feel better. Thyroid levels are usually monitored by your doctor every 2 to 3 months when first diagnosed and then checked each year to make sure that your thyroid levels are normal and your dosage is correct. It is possible to show symptoms of hyperthyroid disease if your dosage is too high. These include: palpitations, rapid weight loss, restlessness, shakiness, and increased sweating. If you have any of these symptoms you should notify your doctor and have your dosage adjusted. If you stop taking your medication and your thyroid levels fall too low you may develop myxedema coma. This is the most life threatening of the severe hypothyroid symptoms. Its symptoms include: below normal temperature, progressive confusion, decreased breathing, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, and unresponsiveness. It may also lead to severe complications such as heart disease, increased risk of infection, infertility, and miscarriage.

It is very important to continue taking the correct dosage of medication if diagnosed with hypothyroidism. If left untreated you will be at a risk for giving birth to a baby with birth defects, heart disease, and heart failure. Hypothyroidism is relatively easy to control with the proper dosage of medication, however, medication must be taken for the rest of your life in order to replace thyroid hormones which can no longer be made in the correct amount by your thyroid gland.

Description: Symptoms of hypothyroid are weight gain, fatigue, muscle cramps and joint hypothyroidism symptoms in women pain and can progress to more serious life threatening conditions.

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