Author Archives: marionamarcer

Narcis Monturiol

Narcís Monturiol invented the submarine.
He was born in Figueres in 1819.
He worked as an Engineer, intellectual, politician, and inventor.
He’s the inventor of the first submarine with propulsion motor;
The Ictíneo, named boat fish in 1859.
He also invented The  Ictíneo II in 1864.
The original Ictíneo is now in Barcelona port.
He was Recognized with the Spanish Isaac Peral, inventor of the electrical submarine in 1885



Hola, arriba carnestoltes i tots ens ho passarem molt bé, ballarem el ball i comprarem pastissos, els meus son molt originals i la meva disfressa també.

Tu de que et disfresses?




Gerard Piqué

Piqué is a famous football player

He’s a boy

He’s got a short brown hair

He’s got a blue eyes

He’s 1.92 meter tall

He likes poker

He’s from Spain

He’s birthday is in 2nd of february 1987

He’s wearing a black polo and white trousers

He’s girlfriend is Shakira


Gerard Piqué

wat animal is it ?

The animal lives in Australia.
It is brown.
It’s size is between 700g and 2.400 g, 43cm and 50cm
This animal (have) has got a beak like a duck and (one) a tail
This animal swims.
This animal is a mammal (mamifer).