Author Archives: ainhoamateo



120ml milk.

120ml cream.

2 egg yolk.

50 grames sugar.

A small spoon of vanilla essence.


1.Heat the milk and sugar and then strit.

2.Add egg yolks to the saucepan and stir over at low heat.

3.Add the vanilla essence and stir.

4.Remove from heat.

5.Wait unil the mixt be cool.

6.Add the whipped cream and then stir the mixt

7.Put the ice cream in the fridge.


Receta de helado de vainilla


Karl Benz invented the cars.

He is was from Germany.

He was born in Karlsruhe ( Germany ).

He was born in 1844.

He studied for working as a cars engineer. to work engenies for cars.

He was famous for created the first cars.

He was 49 years old when he invented the first car.

He won important prizes.

He was 85 years old when he died.

He died in Ladenburg of in 1929.

Information from Wikipedia.

Photo from Wikipedia.


This is a painting by Vicent Van Gogh.

Its name is La nit estelada.

It is 122 years old.

Van Gogh was a Netherland artist.

He lived in Paris.

When he was young liked paint.

In this painting there are some colours.

Van Gogh always used brigth colours in his paintings.


She´s name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty.

She was born in Saint Michael of on 20th february of 1988.

She is 23 years old.

She has got two brothers.

She is a Pop singer.

She has got red hair.

She has got green eyes.

She is 1,73cm.

She live´s lives in U.K.

My favorite song is Lond.


She´s got brown hair.

….. Eyes brow.

…… Bring sunglasses.

She´s down.

She´s a girl.

She likes the theater and dogs.

itt is a very good friend.

She lives a Sabadell.



El divendres va ser molt divertit sobretot ballar. Jo em vaig disfressar de marieta, la meva mare també es va disfressar de pallasso