Leo Messi

Lionel Andrés Messi.

He is the best football player in the world.

He is 24 years old.

He always wears t-shirt blue and red.

He was born in Argentina in on 24th of June.

He is always giving signing autographs.

In his spare time he is trained, giving signs autographs and released boots.

His favourite food is burger.

His favourite music is pop.

Currently he plays in F. C. Barcelona.



3 thoughts on “Leo Messi

  1. Ricard

    VERY GOOD. Bon treball amb frases correctes i poques errades. Els autografs no es donen, es signen, per tant és sign.
    Released està amb blau perquè no entenc que vols dir.

  2. Joel Recio Valero

    Ja es que el meu germà lo li sortia i crec que relased es estrena pero he pusat el traductor i em diu que es lliberat no sè


  3. Ricard

    En anglès no hi ha una paraula específica per “estrenar”. Es pot dir. “Use for the first time” o “Wear for the first time”.

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