It Is a marine mammal that best adapts to live in captivity. There are about 32 species.
The smallest of the species measures 1.2 m.
It feeds on fish and its body is torpedo-shaped with a (longitude) length of 2 and 2.50 m.
It has a tall and slender dorsal fin. It lives in warm seas and is grouped in herds that can reach hundreds of copies.
Its flesh is highly appreciated, so is not hunted for food
GOOD, Cielo. Has utilitzat massa el traductor. Hem de fer un treball més personal.
I think the answer is the dolphin.
good work
It’s a dolphin
Well, I don’t exactly what animal is it ? Cielo can you help us ? It could be the dolphin, but I’m not sure.
Ricard, I am sure… It’s a platypus!