This is a painting (be) by Edvard Munch.
It is 116 years old.
When he was young he lived in Norway (Noruega).
In the paintnig the colours (is a 🙂 are red, orange, blue, brown, black, white (waith) and yellow.
This is a painting (be) by Edvard Munch.
It is 116 years old.
When he was young he lived in Norway (Noruega).
In the paintnig the colours (is a 🙂 are red, orange, blue, brown, black, white (waith) and yellow.
The name of painting is “LA NOCHE”, the painter is Van Gogh, he was a (français) French painter (FALSE). He (was) has got a little brother: Theo Van Gogh.
He(r) painted 900 paintings
The colors are blue, black, yellow, green and orange.