Daily Archives: 17 desembre 2009

Let’s learn more about jobs

Here you are some activities about jobs. You can practise and learn a lot.

  1. Classify in 3 categories: jobs, sports, activities at home. How many points can you get ?
  2. Different activities about jobs
  3. Memory game. Very easy.
  4. A quiz. You can do alone o with a classmate.
  5. A job mixer very funny
  6. Two different tests:

1st test

2nd test

And finally, you can watch this video.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=6420333443229233097" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /]

You have two ways for getting some points for your English Score:

1.- Get one point writing a comment about one of the differents activities.

2.- Get 5 points working with the dictionary. What are these words in Catalan ?: housewife, store manager, salesman, hairdresser and unemployed.

Enjoy yourself and learn

This activity will finish next 31st desember 2009. Good luck!