This is a new English contest: who is who.
It will finish on thursday 17th december at midnight
These are the rules:
- Heu de fer totes les preguntes anglès.
- Han de ser preguntes que es puguin contestar amb un Yes or un No.
- Si la pregunta no està del tot ben escrita la meva resposta serà: “Wrong question. Try again” . “Pregunta equivocada. Torna-ho a provar”. Aleshores tindreu que provar de fer-la de nou corregint la pregunta.
- Pel simple fet de participar encara que no aconseguiu fer cap pregunta correcta ja tindreu un punt.
- Per cada pregunta correcta tindreu un punt més.
- Les persones que encertin la persona que jo penso, obtindran 5 punts.
- La primera en encertar-ho obtindrà 2 punts extres
- Només podeu fer una pregunta cada dia. Un cop feta una pregunta cal esperar la resposta per fer la següent.
No es poden repetir preguntes ja fetes per vosaltres mateixos o altres companys i ja hagin estat contestades. Si és així no obtindreu cap punt per la vostra pregunta. Aleshores la resposta serà: “Repeated question. Next question please”
- Només teniu una oportunitat per encertar el personatge. Un cop ho proveu ja no podreu continuar fent preguntes.
- Si veig que resulta molt difícil aniré posant pistes que us puguin ajudar.
- Al final de curs hi haurà un premi per la persona que acumuli més punts en les diferents activitats d’anglès proposades en el bloc. Podeu veure els vostre punts acumulats en el English score
És important llegir les preguntes dels vostres companys i les meves respostes per tal de poder encertar el personatge amabat. Un cop algú encerti el personatge donaré tres dies per donar per acabat el concurs i donar la oportunitat que algú més ho encerti.Let’s start the game. Good luck for everybody. Who is who ?
It is a man?
Sorry, wrong question. Try again
Hello Ricard!
He’s a man?
Bye, bye!
Sorry, wrong question. Try again
– Is a famous person ?
Bye, Bye.
Yes, he or she is
Hello Ricard!
Is he a man?
Bye, bye
Yes, he is.
Is he a man?
Yes, he is.
this person
player football???
Sorry, wrong question. Try again.
Is a fictional person?
No, he isn’t.
-It’s a old person?
bye, bye!
Sorry, wrong question. Try again.
Has he got glasses?
No, he hasn’t
Is he a sportsman?
Bye, bye.
Yes, he is
is a player football????
:s xb
Sorry, wrong question. Try again
This person is a player of football
bye bye!!!!
Sorry, wrong question. Try again
– He’s from Spain ?
Bye, bye.
Sorry, wrong question. Try again
It’s he a actor
Sorry, wrong question. Try again
Is he a sport player?
Yes, he is
he was born in Spain ?
Sorry, wrong question. Try again.
Does he live in Spain?
Bye, bye!
Yes, he does
Is he a football player?
No, he isn’t
-Is he from in Spain?
bye, bye!!!
Sorry, wrong question. Try again.
– Is he from Spain ?
Bye, bye.
Yes, he is
it’s a player football?
Sorry, wrong question. Try again.
Is he from Barcelona?
No, he isn’t
Is he Barcelona futbol player?
No, he isn’t
Its a famous singer?
Sorry, wrong question. Try again.
Is a football player?
Sorry, wrong question. Try again.
– Is he a tall person?
Bye, bye.
No, he isn’t
– Has he got a brown hair ?
Bye, bye.
No, he hasn’t
He is a footballer?
bye bye!
Sorry, wrong question. Try again.
Is he a tennis player?
Bye, bye!
Yes, he is
Hi ha preguntes per contestar de les persones que en el llarg cap de setmana han fet més d’una pregunta. Només responc una pregunta per persona. Heu d’esperar a tenir la resposta de l’anterior pregunta abans de formular la nova pregunta.
Is he racing driver?
No, he isn’t
Hello Ricard!
Has he got an olympic gold medal?
Bye, bye!
Yes, he has
Is he a tennis player?
Sorry, repeated question. Next question please.
Is he Rafa Nadal?
Is he a handbol player?
No he isn’t
Is Rafael Nadal?
This who is who will finish next Thursday 17th december.
Hello Ricad!
It´s very easy
Was he born in Manacor?
Bye, bye!
Yes, he was
– Did he play(ed) in de Davis Cup?
Bye, bye.
Yes, he did
hello ricard
is a rafael nadal?
espeeroo que si : s
Hello Ricard!
Is he Rafa Nadal?
Bye, bye!
– I think it is Rafa Nadal.
Bye, bye.
– He’s name is Rafael Nadal.
Bye, bye.
Is Rafa Nadal?
Ricard no es d’aquest article pero et volia comentar una cosa
yo he mirat al blog i no he vist que hagis publicat el meu bugs project file.
Ara no m’enrecordo be pero no se si el vaig desar con a esborrany o el vaig enviar per revisió.
Si no el tens donam la nota a l’escola.
Hola Anna si que està publicat. El passat 20 de novembre. Aquí tens l’adreça:
Is Rafa Nadal?
Hello ricard.
Is it the rafa nadal?
Espero no haver posat el article molt tard, es que may em recordo.