Clock works (4th & 5th grade)

Hi children! There’s another activity to practise time and clocks. Help Max an Molly to fix the clock. You can play in 3 different levels: medium/hard/really hard.

Click on the image, select the level and have a good time !


6 thoughts on “Clock works (4th & 5th grade)

  1. berta torres(5èA)

    Hola Carmen soc la Berta de 5èA aquest joc es molt facil espero que fiquis mes de 5è que son molt divertits

  2. Luz Sabrina 5èA

    Hola Carmen m’ha agradat molt aquest joc, la veritat ha sigut bastant facil.

  3. adrian nieto 5éB

    Hola Carmen soc l’Adrian de 5éB i aquest joc es una mica facil


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