Category Archives: Pronunciation


Another excellent site to practise your English.

Yappr is an online service that makes learning English fun and easy.  You can learn English by watching videos from native speakers about music, celebrities, news, American culture, and more. Videos include transcriptions, translations and a dictionary, so you can learn about the topics that interest you.

You only need to register to use the site. Enjoy!!



Last Academic Year I posted the ‘Real English’ lesson on conditionals . If you want to watch the videoclip and do the exercises again, type ‘conditionals’ into the search engine in order to find them.

I’m posting a ppt on conditionals, thanks to an English teacher who has kindly shared his presentation. Thank you very much.

You will also find a clear summary of conditional forms on English Page.

I hope you enjoy the sites and find everything useful.

Unreal Conditionals ppt

What’s the weather like?

I promised I would post new activities during this week while you are taking the oral exam.

Since we are going to talk about the weather, I am posting a listening comprehension task on this topic.

  • Before you start watching the video, take a piece of paper to take notes.
  • First you will see the regular version, then the version with Closed Captions (English subtitles).
  • Watch the video clip and write down the names of the people interviewed and the adjectives they use to describe the weather.
  • Watch the regular version as many times as necessary before you check your answers.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

More links about ‘The Weather’

BBC Weather News

Stormy Weather (a song sung by Sinatra). I have to thank Mª Jesús, a teacher from EOI Mérida, for this link.

Report and predict the weather (interactive activity)

Useful vocabulary with a recording of the words (a lesson proposed by Randall S. Davis )

Friday’s weather report (another listening from esl-lab)

See you next week 🙂


What are homophones?

Homophones are words that sound the same, but have different spellings and meanings, e.g.flower and flour.

Can you match the homophones – word pairs that sound the same, but have different meanings?
E.g:two‘ and ‘too‘.

Click on the picture to play the game.


Forvo. Pronunciation site

Hi everybody,

We have been recently working on pronunciation and some of you have asked me whether there was a site to check  how to pronounce words properly in English. Fortunately, we can almost find anything on the Net and thanks to Nik Peachey, a freelance learning technology consultant, I have just come across Forvo, which describes itself as “All the words in the world. Pronounced.”


The site allows users to request, and add audio clips of the pronunciation of different words from a huge  range of languages, so if you want to know how a word is pronounced you can either do a quick easy search for the word and then listen to it, or if the word isn’t already within the database, you can add it and request a pronunciation.

So, no more excuses for bad pronunciation.  If you are not sure how to pronounce a word, check Forvo!

Why don’t you get started with the following words ? :  ‘beer’,’ bird’, ‘beard’, ‘bear’  / ‘soup’, ‘soap’, ‘steak’, ‘dessert’ and ‘desert’

Did you find it useful?  Let me know!

The Speech Accent Archive

We were talking about accents in class. As you know, English is spoken by a large number of people around the world, so accents might be difficult to understand sometimes.

Now  you can listen to  native people around the globe reading the same text so that you can compare their accents . You can also go to the  link to the atlas and click on the flag to listen to different varieties of English. I hope you find it useful.

The Accent Archive

National Stereotypes : What are the Americans like?

In Unit 2A we are going to talk about national stereotypes. In the video below, people are asked to give their opinion about the Americans. Write the names of the people interviewed on a piece of paper, watch the first video as many times as necessary and write down the adjectives you hear.  When you finish the exercise, watch the second video with subtitles to check your answers.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Pronunciation of Past Regular Verbs

Hi everybody,

One of the things teachers find difficult to make students understand  is that the ‘e’ in the past of regulars verbs is never pronounced. No matter how many times teachers correct the pronunciation of past regular verbs, students keep saying /talked/ or /happened/ instead of /tokt/ or /hapend/.

Just for the non-believers, Paul teaches you how to pronounce past regular verbs. Listen and repeat and next time you are in class  be nice to your teacher and try to pronounce  verbs properly. I bet your teacher will thank you greatly and  people will understand your stories when you speak about the past.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]