Hi everybody,
We have been recently working on pronunciation and some of you have asked me whether there was a site to check how to pronounce words properly in English. Fortunately, we can almost find anything on the Net and thanks to Nik Peachey, a freelance learning technology consultant, I have just come across Forvo, which describes itself as “All the words in the world. Pronounced.”
The site allows users to request, and add audio clips of the pronunciation of different words from a huge range of languages, so if you want to know how a word is pronounced you can either do a quick easy search for the word and then listen to it, or if the word isn’t already within the database, you can add it and request a pronunciation.
So, no more excuses for bad pronunciation. If you are not sure how to pronounce a word, check Forvo!
Why don’t you get started with the following words ? : ‘beer’,’ bird’, ‘beard’, ‘bear’ / ‘soup’, ‘soap’, ‘steak’, ‘dessert’ and ‘desert’
Did you find it useful? Let me know!
Hi everybody,
I’ve found this web very useful and very, very funny.
I said funny because I’ve listen different words with my little baby sat in my lap. Every time that I’ve pronounced a word he looked at me with a surprised face and few seconds after he smiled a lot. Did he laugh of me? I don’t know but it was fantastic!!
See you soon,
I’ve been trying it and it’s very very useful! I have also add some pronuntiation words in Spanish and Catalan, it’s entertaining!
C u!!
I believe that this webpage is really really interesting, not only to learn English pronunciation, but also to learn some useful words in other languages! I think that I’m going to spend so much time by listening to words!
I have been listening to different words in English and some of them that are really difficult! I think I still have to learn a lot about pronunciation!
See you on Monday!
I have been trying with the words which were suggested and some others. I think that’s very helpful and funny, but much more if you find people from different places pronouncing the word.
That’s curious not only the way how words are pronounced but sometimes how people from different locations call the same object/thing. One time I enjoyed the conversation held by two customers of one of my former companies when I was giving them a lift to the airport. They were discussing about the word which was the most appropriate: a truck or a lorry. I imagine you can now guess their nationality!!
See you on Monday!
I think that this website is very helpful!! Ah…If I knew it before…
I’ve met people of several nationalities and their accent and pronunciation were different. Sometimes I din’t understand what they told to me :'( , specially the Vietnamese people, and some Australians. It was easier for me to understand people from the US and the UK. I think that as students we are used to listen to UK and US pronunciation.
And what about my pronunciation…now I remember a big mistake: once I asked for a desert instead of a dessert, but one and no more!!!
See you on monday
I think this web page is really interessting and useful, we can listen the words and find the traduccion.
Is a great tool for learning!!
I try the words of the list and it’s a good way to improve pronuntation so I copy the web on my desk.