Pronunciation of Past Regular Verbs

Hi everybody,

One of the things teachers find difficult to make students understand  is that the ‘e’ in the past of regulars verbs is never pronounced. No matter how many times teachers correct the pronunciation of past regular verbs, students keep saying /talked/ or /happened/ instead of /tokt/ or /hapend/.

Just for the non-believers, Paul teaches you how to pronounce past regular verbs. Listen and repeat and next time you are in class  be nice to your teacher and try to pronounce  verbs properly. I bet your teacher will thank you greatly and  people will understand your stories when you speak about the past.

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7 thoughts on “Pronunciation of Past Regular Verbs

  1. Ainoa

    Hi Anna, I hope you are better.

    This video is fantastic for our pronuntation, the “teacher” explains very well and very clear, and I will try to pronounce all the past better, but it’s difficult to remember.

    See you next day

  2. amorales Post author

    Thank you very much Ainoa.
    I hope it helps your pronunciation. I have prepared an activity on common pronunciation mistakes. See you on Wednesday.

  3. Montse

    Hi Anna,

    Thank you very much for this video. The pronunciation is very important and this video is very clear and usefull. I think that I understand the difference between sound /d/ and sound /t/. But I only need to know the right pronunciation of an unvoiced verb or a voiced verb, for example:
    lop-lopped // lob-lobbed
    These two verbs are very difficult for me because the phonetic sound of each vowel is the same, and my vocal chords don’t move in both cases, so I don’t know which is voiced or unvoiced. But I think that the rule is clear. Thanks.

    I hope you are well and see you next wednesday.

  4. María

    Hello Ana

    Thank you very much for your continuous support.
    I found usefull this lesson. I hope don’t forget it when I have to speak and read.

    thanks again and I hope to see you on Wednesday.

  5. Fina

    Hi Anna: I hope you are OK. Thank you for your help. This video is a great idea to improve my awful pronunciation. See you on next day. .

  6. Núria

    Hi Anna,

    I agree with my partners. This video is very usefull, but for me is a bit difficult to notice de difference between the sounds (d) or (t). I think that the biggest difference is the duration of the vowel, not the sound at the end of each word. I’ll practise to improve my pronunciation.

    See you in a few minutes.

  7. mireia

    I think that the video is useful. And thanks you for your job Anna! But I can’t see yet clearly the difference between unvoiced and voiced verbs.

    See you later.

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