Laura Solana
Marina Carrera
Nayara Roldán
Street art is an original type of art that we can find only in the streets. Many people don’t recognize this artwork like art and sometimes people relate this art with vandalism. STREET ART includes different kinds of terms, for example, graffiti artwork, stencil graffiti, sticker art, wheat pasting and street poster art…
The artist usually tries to leave the same kind of message like political issues, feelings, their emotions … And these expressions are exposed in the street where all the people can enjoy and valuate them. Usually the people who do it, are anonymous and we can refer to any person when we admire one of their works of art.
Traditionally, this art was painted mostly with aerosol paints, but now there are lots of techniques:
Mosaic tiling: this technique is based in a group of images done with colored pieces of glass. You can find the mosaic in the interior decoration of churches and cathedrals.
Mural: in this technique the artist paints directly on a wall or other permanent surface. They are usually hired by some business, big sized and well organized.
Stencil art (graffiti): First we use paper to do a template and then we can transport the image or text on the wall… with a spray paint.
Sticker art: this technique uses the stickers to transmit messages.
Street installations: It is where the artist can express their feelings or their message by using different elements combined with painting.
Wheat paste: it is made with an adhesive liquid made of vegetable starch and water.
Video projections/Led art: light art constructed from light-emitting.
Yarn bombing: it uses different types of colourful displays and knitting which are attached to elements in the street such as trees.
Woodblocking: It’s an antiquity method of printing images or patterns on textiles and later paper. It’s originally from China.
this technique uses the stickers to transmit messages.
good website
Pingback: NEPA Street Art and Graffiti – Culture Shock
Great information
Really very happy to say, your post is very interesting to read. I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job. Keep it up
c tro cool
trop bien le street art
I think street art is a powerful movement, at least in Madrid, Spain. Thanks for sharing your toughts. This is an interesting research project for students