Lleida is in Catalonia. It is bigger tan Barcelona. It is on the Segre river. The Segre river is shorter tan the Ebro river. The population of Lleida is about 139.834 residents.The main lannguage is Catalan, but they speak Spanish too. In Lleida there are museums, cinemas, restaurants and parks. Popular places to visit are Ibis Budget Lleida , Xtrem Bowling and Ibis Lleida.
Arxiu mensual: maig de 2015
Montreal is in Canada. It is smaller than Mont-Royal. It is on the Sant Lorenzo river. The population of Montreal is about 3.6 millions resident. The main language is English ,but they speak French Franç too.In Montreal there are museums,cinemas and restaurants.
San Sebastian is in the north of Spain. It is smaller than Los Angeles. It Is on the Urmea river. The Urmea river is shorter than the Nilo River. The populations of San Sebastian is about 180.000 residents. The main languages is are Basque and Spanish. In San Sebastian there are museums, hotels and parks. Popular places to visit are the shell, and Wind Comb. The shell is in the middle of the ocean, and the Wind Comb are near the real club of tennis.
Paris is the capital city of France. It is bigger than Lyon. It is on the Sena river. The Sena river is shorter than the Loira river. The population of Paris is about 2.200.000 (two millions two thousand) residents. The main language is French. In Paris there are museums, sights, cathedrals and parks. Popular places to visit are Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, Triumphal Arch and Disneyland Paris. The Eiffel Tower is near the Louvre Museum. The Triumphal Arch is opposite the Notre Dame Cathedral. Disneyland Paris is 32 (thirty two) Km. from the center of Paris.
Vienna is the capital of Austria. It is smaller than Barcelona. It is on the Danubi river. The population of Vienna is about 1.712.903 (one million seven hundred and twelve thousand nine hundred three) residents. The main language is German. In Vienna there are big buildings, monuments and parks. The palacio Schwarzenberg is near the Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen Vienna.
Jerusalem is in Palestina. It is smaller than New York. It is on the Jordan river. The Jordan river is shorther than the Nilo river Rio Nilo. The population of Jerusalem is about 44.000 residents. The main language is Hebrew, Arabic and English. In Jerusalem there are historics monuments, restaurants and monuments catholics. The Holy War has destroyed many monuments of Jerusalem.
Tercer personatge misteriós
Bé ja toca donar la solució i veure com queden els punts.
Evidentment com ja sabia gairebé tothom sóc en Tanet de la novel·la del Zoo d’en Pitus.
I els punts han quedat repartits de la següent manera:
1.- Ivan Jérez 8
2.- Èlia Vior 4
3.- Laura Solsona 3,5
4.- Aianra i Clara 3
6.- Manuela 2
7.- Alba 1
8.- Henar i Ricardo 0,5
10.- Abril i Eloy 0
Aquí podeu veure la classificació general.
El proper dimecres començarem el darrer personatge misteriós amb puntuació doble.
1* Sóc un noi de 10 anys.
2* Sóc molt espavilat.
3* Semblo més gran del que sóc.
4* Sempre vaig net i polit.
5* Sé manar i organitzar activitats.
6* De vegades he de renyar els meus companys, però ningú s’enfada.
7* Tinc solucions per a tot.
8* Tinc un amic que està molt malalt.
9* Organitzo una activitat solidària.
10* Sóc el director d’un zoo.