Author Archives: nerea

las meninas

The painting “las meninas”is in museum “el Prado”in Madrd.
In the painting there are: One dog, Velázquez and (dogtes for queens) the queen’s daughters.
It’s black, white and brown.
Velázquez was born in Sevilla( june of 1599) and he died in Madrd (sixth august of 1660).
The painting was profesional and (the paintings was) it is very nice.

las meninas

Demi Lovato

His real name is Demetria Devone Lovato.

She’s 16 years old. (she’s) Her birthday is on 20th of august.
(His colour of hair and eyes is brown.) Her hair and eyes are brown
(His) Her best friend is Selena Gomez.

(She’s) Her favourite food(t) is tacos.

(She’s) Her favourite band is Paramore.

Llibres de català

El titol del llibre que m’he llegit és:Matilda

Matilda és una nena prodigi molt inteligent i sensible.Els seus pares la tracten com una nosa. A l’escola hi ha un problema molt gros ,és diu…TRUNCHBULL.

Matilda descobreix que té uns poders psísics que li permeten salvar l’escola. Jo recomano aquest llibre perque és molt divertit.




 Té el cabell llarg, pero no molt exagerat . Es un gos més que bonic .

 És un dels gossos més atractius que hi ha . Aquest gos és original de Venecia .

El més gran dels seus problemes és que requereix molt exercici .

Nerea i Pau



What is it like?

Venice is composed of 120 small islands joiend by 400 bridges.

You reach venice from the mainland by bridge that acesses the Liberty Pizzale Roma.

Where is it?

Between the mouths of the Po River (south) and Piave(north), in northeastern Italy.

There are:

Rialto market, (shop Jesurum, Ca’Club, canovacion II), palaces, churches, ….

Popular places to visit:

Golfo di Venize, Ventian Lagoon, bridges, rivers and Fragile Fantasy Venice.