Author Archives: Mireia


The Teide is the highest volcano in Spain.  It is in on the island of Tenerife. It is the highest elevation in Spain. It is 3718   metres high. It formed milions of years ago. The Teide is nowadays dormant. The last eruption occurred in 1909. The Teide is the most visited National Park in Spain.  The Guanches gave him the name of Echeyde. Echeide wanted to say hell.

This summer I’m going to go  Canarias Islands and I will go up on the Teide.

teide v


When I”m older, I want to be a teacher as my mother because  I like children. I want to travel Italy because I want to go visit museums and monuments. Also I want to go visit  the african forest because I want to see wild animals.  My favourite subjects at school are language and “medi” (enviroment) .  I like sciences because I‘m interested in (the) nature and animals.

pin pisa

Nen amb un colom

This is a painting by Pablo Picasso. It is about 108 years old.

Picasso was a Spanish artist of the 20th century who revolutionized the painting.   He was born in Málaga. He lived in Barcelona and París.

In this painting there are a child whit a pigeon and a ball. Picasso used dark colours: blue, green and yellow. The child is sad.


La marxa de regularitat

La marxa de la regularitat consisteix en anar caminant per un recorregut marcat  i sempre anar al mateix ritme. Passes per uns controls en els què  t’apunten  l’hora que has arribat, i quan s’acaba la marxa, et compten els minuts de diferència amb els temps oficials.

Va ser una experiència molt divertida perquè anàvem soles pel bosc . A l’arribada  ens vam trobar al pare de la Mireia darrera d’un arbre. Ens vam posar a riure i el fotògraf del diari Sabadell  ens va fer aquesta foto:

jejeje….Ens ho vem passar genial!!!!

I no ho van fer malament, 93 de 240 classificats

Rafael Nadal

Rafael Nadal is a tennis player.                                                                                                           He’s from Manacor in (the) Mallorca.   He was born in 1986.   He always plays tenis.  He has a sister.

In his (tree) free time he plays golf  and  playstation. (Too) He likes (to) fishing and he watches football too.

He usually  wears trousers, a t-shirt, a tracksuit and trainers.

Rafael Nadal

La increïble Cristina

Jo aquest any he llegit un llibre del Jordi Cardona, que es titula “La increïble Cristina “. És molt divertit i quan m’he l’estaba llegint no volia parar de llegir-lo.

Us explicaré una mica de que tracta.Un dia els pares de la Cristina, van haver  de marxar a l’estranger  per motius . Però tot just abans de marxar la Cristina es va trobar un llibre que li va donar poders com:  força, poder comunicar-se amb els animals, llegir els pensaments dels altres,  fer-se invisible i per últim poder traslladar-se d’un lloc a un altre. Tots aquests poders els hi van ser molt útils.  Un bon dia a l ‘arribar a la nova ciutat de l’estranger als pares de la Cristina els hi van robar el cotxe on hi havia uns documents molt importants dins un maletí i…

Bé, espero que tingueu ganes de llegir-lo!!

Prehistoric story

Wednesday: We arrived at the prehistoric hotel at eleven o’clock. The hotel had got rock’s bed. We built a hut for to sleep. We hunted a rabbit.

Thursday: We cooked the rabbit. I made a skin’s bag.  We went to the Burriac Castle.

Friday: We drew animals on the wall. We lighted the fire. We (set) sat next to the fire.


Viena is the capital of Austria. It is on the River Danube. The main language is German.

In Viena there are many famous monuments, theatres, palaces, vienneses cafés and parks.

Popular places to visit in Viena are: the Schönbrunn Palace, the Belvedere Palace, the State Opera and the big wheel in the Viena  Prater.

The classical music is very important in Viena. Johan Stauus and Mozart are famous musicians.