Author Archives: Cristina

Bugs project file

When I’m older, I (wont) want to be a (Designer) Fashion Designer, because I like to draw and I am charmed with going dressed well, and I would like to design my own (proper) clothes and (her(it) of the others) also for the others.

I (wont) want to visit England for curiosity and for the statue of the Freedom.

My favorite subjects at school are (Natives, Tegnologia) Nature, Tecnology, Art and English.

El grito

The name of artist is Evard Munch. He was from Norway.

(This nationaliti) He lived near Oslo.

In the painting there is (a before) a man screaming. (this paiting the colors is:) There is a brown fence and (the) a blue river.The background is orange, yellow and red.

The artist used oil painting (oli) tempera and pastel on cardboard.

Curiosity: He (paind) painted the grito in 2893 (impossible!), with 30 years because (and was) he died in 1944.

(Experted great influence in Alemania).

Cristina Ramos Costa.

Jesse Mccartney

Jesse Mccartney is a very handsome boy.

He is from New York. He is an actor and sings very well. (He’s) His favourite food is: Pizza

He usually films films. And (is) in his free time  (composation) he composes songs and sings these songs. (singing this song).
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="135 X 101" height="135 X 101" wmode="transparent" /]

El conte: Rinxols d’or pels nens de P-3

El conte de Rinxols d’or, l’hem preparat amb personatjes de plastelina, el decorat  s’ha fet amb papers de colors i els objectes de plastelina. Les músiques les hem trobat a internet. I hem fet el video amb fotografies. Ens ha agradat molt fer aquest video per als nens de P-3 no per que hagi quedat be sino per que ens hem esforçat molt i divertit.

Els alumnes de 5è A.