Daily Archives: 29 octubre 2009

David Henrie

David Henrie is an actor. He’s from California in the USA. He likes playing the guitar. In his free time he goes to see a film or plays hockey with his friends. He has got a brother: James Henrie. His favorite actors (is) are Al Pacino, Robert de Niro, James Dean, Sean Penn and Russel Crow. He (has) is 18 years old and his birthday is in July.

Jesse Mccartney

Jesse Mccartney is a very handsome boy.

He is from New York. He is an actor and sings very well. (He’s) His favourite food is: Pizza

He usually films films. And (is) in his free time  (composation) he composes songs and sings these songs. (singing this song).
[kml_flashembed movie="http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:bvLRHTzCNsO07M:http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/sites/family/img/21290_Jesse_Mccartney.jpg" width="135 X 101" height="135 X 101" wmode="transparent" /]

Almudena Cid

Almudena is an ex rythmic gymnast (an ex professionality of gimnastic rithmyc). She’s from Vitoria(Spain). She’s was born on 15th of July 1980. She loves rythmic gymnastics (gimnastic rithmyc). She’s a very beautiful girl and very elastic. (She) Her favourite food is pasta.

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