Vienna is the capital of Austria. It has a population of over 1.500.000. Its music, theatre, museums and parks make it a popular tourist centre. Vienna has one of the oldest university in Europe.
Vienna was the music capital of the wold for many centuries. Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert and Strauss came to work here. It is now the home of one of the world’s most famoust orchestras, the Vienna Philharmonic.
VERY GOOD Ana però es nota que per escriure alguna part o t’han ajudat o has utilitzat el traductor. Hi ha construccions gramaticals que no fem servir a classe com: “the oldest” “came to work” o “the world’s most famous”. Has de procurar fer aquests escrits amb les frases i construccions que treballem a classe i tu coneixes.