As part of Guardian Weekly’s special debate Clil: Complementing or Compromising English Language Teaching, education professionals from around the world tell them how they are combining language and content in their classrooms. You can read, share and even write your own articles!
CLIL in Andorra by Txema Díaz, Universitat d’Andorra
Now you can read a new article of an experience related to CLIL in Andorra. Click on the link to continue reading…
As a microstate bordering on France and Spain, the Principality of Andorra has historically been strongly influenced by the language and culture of its neighboring countries. This is so to the extent that education in the country was organized following the French and Spanish models exclusively up until 1982. That year the Escola Andorrana (Andorran school, EA henceforth) was founded as a means of imbuing education in the country with a national character. At the same time, the new system recognized Andorran intrinsic multicultural and multilingual character and articulated it at a curricular level. This sets it apart from the Spanish and French systems, still present in the country. (…)
Based on real facts…
By Néstor Alonso.
Found at:
New TED video by Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!
Found at TED website:
About this talk: In this poignant, funny follow-up to his fabled 2006 talk, Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from standardized schools to personalized learning — creating conditions where kids’ natural talents can flourish.
Ikastolas’ teachers visit our school
El passat 25 de maig ens van visitar tres representants de les Ikastolas del País Basc. Durant el transcurs de la reunió, en que van venir altres mestres de diverses escoles de Lleida i voltants, vam tenir ocasió d’escoltar les propostes metodològiques per l’ensenyament de l’anglès que ens van fer.
El cert és que el seu plantejament eminentment oral, i basant en interessos molt propers als infants ens va semblar força interessant. A banda, vam veure com el treball per projectes (en aquest cas, en anglès) facilita l’assoliment d’una base lingüística molt important que els permet arribar a desenvolupar assignatures totalment en anglès quan arriben a la E.S.O.
Esperem mantenir el contacte amb aquest grup de mestres i esperem poder rebre-les en alguna altra ocasió.
On May 25 three teachers from the Ikastolas of the Basque Country visited our school. During the meeting –with other teachers who came from various schools around Lleida- we have heard methodological proposals regarding ELT.
The truth is that the method they presented is essentially oral, and very close to the children’s interest.
In addition, we could see how the project work (in this case, in English) facilitates the achievement of an important linguistic base that allows us to fully develop other subjects in English when they arrive at secondary school
We hope to keep in touch with this group of teachers and hope to receive them in any other occasion.
Article: CLIL, A New Horizon for Teachers’ Training
Found at:
Proyecto “CLIL 2.0” en el CEP Las Palmas 1
Desde el CEP Las Palmas 1 consideramos que los proyectos CLIL y clIC escuela 2.0 promovidos por la Dirección General de Ordenación e Innovación Educativa (DGOIE) representan una oportunidad de innovación metodológica para el profesorado. Asimismo y dado que en muchos centros están presentes ambos proyectos, entendemos necesario que el apoyo y asesoramiento realizado desde el Centro del Profesorado debe ser coordinado, ya que al ser muchos de los objetivos comunes, no es lógico que cada proyecto camine de forma independiente.
CLIL Teacher’s Competences Grid
Here’s a great article found at CLILBLOG that is really worth reading. There’s nothing to add; just click on the image below and enjoy.
Primary CLIL
Here’s a good webpage from a group of teachers and teacher trainers that have create this site as a way to support CLIL in Primary.
This is how they define themselves…
About Us
An initial needs assessment in five countries identified support for teacher educators working with colleagues developing CLIL-based approaches within the secondary phase but little existing support for those involved in the primary phase. The consortium, comprising members from six institutions concerned with initial teacher education, (see below) has formed to support primary teacher educators in introducing and developing CLIL pedagogies with their student teachers.
The main products include: a profile of a primary CLIL teacher (a development of the European Foreign Language Teacher Profile); an online portfolio (a monitoring/assessment tool) enabling student teachers to record their achievements and areas for development, and the tutor to monitor the student teacher’s progress and identify where support is required , and a series of training packages, on predetermined CLIL areas enabling teacher educators to address a range of primary CLIL issues with student teachers; these will include video footage of student or experienced teachers trialling and exemplifying CLIL strategies within primary classrooms.
Training materials will be produced in each of the five main languages of the consortium (namely Spanish, German, Polish, Italian and English). There is potential to adapt the products for direct use by speakers of other languages.
The impact envisaged for this project is substantial. Teacher educators are ideally placed within their own institutions to influence the teaching practices of several cohorts of student teachers, and therefore subsequent generations of future teachers.