Monthly Archives: febrer 2009

Uncovering CLIL – Language showers

(great article, form a great book)

The many faces of CLIL
CLIL is an umbrella term covering a dozen or more educational approaches (eg immersion, bilingual education, multilingual
education, language showers and enriched language programmes). What is new about CLIL is that it synthesizes and
provides a flexible way of applying the knowledge learned from these various approaches. The flexibility of the approach is,
above all, evident in the amount of time devoted to teaching or learning through the second language. CLIL allows for
low- to high-intensity exposure to teaching/learning through a second language. The approach can also be used for
short-term high-intensity exposure (see figure below). (click on the PDF file for more)



Hello everyone, here’s the great creation of Manel Piñeiro, a great teacher, and a friend of mine, that loves drawing and designing comics, he’s almost a pro! Since we both stayed in Nottingham last year, he has travelled the long road through CLIL instructon, and he has decided to put all his good and bad moments in a series of comic strips. I hope you will enjoy them.




To be continued…

Great experience on the European Portfolio

Experiència pilot del Portfolio Europeu de Llengües a secundària
Un bloc a XTECBlocs

Tal com es presenten…”

Aquest bloc s’ha creat amb el propòsit de facilitar l’experiència pilot de treball amb el Portfolio Europeu de les Llengües per a l’educació secundària (PEL) que s’està portant a terme a tres centres de secundària a Catalunya: IES Ribes (Sant Pere e Ribes), IES Joan Oró (Lleida), IES Manolo Hugué (Caldes de Montbui). L’objectiu principal del bloc és el de fomentar la interacció i l’intercanvi d’opinions sobre aquesta experiència entre els alumnes de 1er d’ESO dels centres participants, i al mateix temps practicar la llengua estrangera.”

