VISION: Issue 11 (Jul- Dec 2010)

VISION: Issue 11 (Jul- Dec 2010)

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Lesson Starters – KS2 Science

Here are a couple of lesson starters for “Light and sound” units. Enjoy! Found at:

Lesson Starters – KS2 Science
Alex in light and blindness video

A lesson starter for KS2 science showing what life is like if you are partially sighted through an interview with Alex who is virtually blind due to a congenital condition.

Blindfolded students Light and Seeing
Reinforce your pupils’ understanding of light and how it is inextricably linked to sight.

Lesson Starters – KS2 Science – Describing Sounds by TEACHERS.TV

This short video provides KS2 science pupils with ideas on how different sounds can produce different responses.

A professor plays a variety of sounds to Sam his assistant. Sam then indicates how she feels about each noise with a smiley, sad or neutral face.

The sounds include a vacuum cleaner, alarm clock and bird warbler, helping pupils develop an understanding about the different emotional responses sounds can produce.

This lesson starter stimulates discussion as pupils think about why they like certain sounds.

Found at:

Essential Primary Science. Great book by Alan Cross i Adrian Bowden

Un extracte de la introducció:

In this book, we recognise that as a teacher or student teacher you may have to move quickly from a low level of personal knowledge and understanding of science to a much higher level, as well as learn how to teach it to others! The following chapters are based on the three things you need to know:
  • what science the teacher needs to know and understand;
  • what science the pupils need to learn; and
  • effective ways to teach that science in primary classes.
In England, this means that pupils have opportunities to learn the science required by the National Curriculum (DfEE/QCA, 1999). For you as a teacher, we take that science further so that the book complies with the TDA (Training and Development Agency for Schools) standards for subject knowledge (TDA, 2007: Q14, 15) and suggests ways to teach science, including many references to science investigations, thus strongly supporting your achievement of TDA standards related to subject teaching (TDA, 2007: Q10, 25). This means that you can approach the teaching of primary science with increasing confidence. In this chapter, we outline basic principles and ideas about teaching science that will set you on the right path to help you experience early success. The most important contributors to this success will be your own commitment to learn, reflect, and act to further pupil learning.

CLIL Skills, new book on CLIL Methodology


The book, published in March 2010 and written by Liz Dale, Wibo van der Es and Rosie Tanner, is a practical resource book for subject teachers working in Dutch bilingual (TTO) secondary schools. It is also relevant to other contexts.

CLIL Skills includes * Over seventy practical lesson ideas based on real classroom activities; Case studies from schools; Examples and illustrations from teachers; Useful theory explained in clear language; A glossary of useful terms; Teacher development activities

View the table of contents and sample pages (pdf) | The book publisher’s page

Kids Science Experiments

Així és descriuen en aquesta pàgina web:

Kids Science Experiments and Science Projects are full of fun, easy and exciting hands-on experiments that will help you answer a lot of questions asked by your children.  These simple, safe and easy to follow science experiments and science projects can be achieved with everyday materials and recycled items found around your house. Help make learning fun and easy by trying some of these science experiments with your kid’s.