Cançó de Nadal 5è: Wonderful Christmas Time


“Wonderful Christmas Time” Demi Lovato

The moon is right
The spirits up
We’re here tonight
And that’s enough

Simply having a wonderful christmas time
Simply having a wonderful christmas time

The party’s on
The feelin’s here
That only comes
This time of year

Simply having a wonderful christmas time
Simply having a wonderful christmas time

The choir of children sing their song
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding Ohhhh

Simply having a wonderful christmas time
Simply having a wonderful christmas time

The word is out
About the town
To lift a glass
Ahhh don’t look down

Simply having a wonderful christmas time
Simply having a wonderful christmas time

The choir of children sing their song
They practiced all year long
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding dong

The party’s on
The spirits up
We’re here tonight
And that’s enough

Simply having a wonderful christmas time
Simply having a wonderful christmas time

The moon is right
The spirits up
We’re here tonight
And that’s enough

Simply having a wonderful christmas time
Simply having a wonderful christmas time
Simply having a wonderful christmas time
Simply having a wonderful christmas time


Cançó de Nadal 6è: “Bonfire Heart”


Bonfire Heart (Jame Blunt)

Your mouth is a revolver
Firing bullets in the sky
Your love is like a soldier,
Loyal ‘til you die
And I’ve been looking at the stars
For a long, long time
I’ve been putting out fires
All my life

Everybody wants a flame,
They don’t want to get burnt
And today is our turn

Days like these lead to…
Nights like this lead to
Love like ours.
You light the spark in my bonfire heart.
People like us—we don’t
Need that much, just some-
One that starts,
Starts the spark in our bonfire hearts

This world is getting colder.
Strangers passing by
No one offers you a shoulder.
No one looks you in the eye.
But I’ve been looking at you
For a long, long time
Just trying to break through,
Trying to make you mine

Everybody wants a flame,
They don’t want to get burnt
Well, today is our turn

Days like these lead to…
Nights like this lead to
Love like ours.
You light the spark in my bonfire heart.
People like us—we don’t
Need that much, just some-
One that starts,
Starts the spark in our bonfire hearts

Our bonfire hearts
Our bonfire hearts
Our bonfire hearts
You light the spark

People like us—we don’t
Need that much, just some-
One that starts,
Starts the spark in our bonfire hearts

Days like these lead to…
Nights like this lead to
Love like ours.
You light the spark in my bonfire heart.
People like us—we don’t
Need that much, just some-
One that starts,
Starts the spark in our bonfire hearts

(Our bonfire hearts)

(Days like these lead to…
Nights like this lead to
Love like ours.
You light the spark in my bonfire heart.*)
People like us—we don’t
Need that much, just some-
One that starts,
Starts the spark in our bonfire hearts

A Monkey’s tale

El proper dimecres 11 de novembre a la tarda, els nens i nenes de l’escola de CM i CS aniran a veure l’obra de teatre en anglès “A monkey’s tale”.


There’s always lots of fun at the zoo, the animals and the people who take care of the animals,
sing, dance and play games. And the animals are allowed to go on holiday to visit their families.
In the meantime Miss Carole realizes that having fun is good and she decides to change all her rules. Now
everyone at the zoo can sing, dance, play games and go on holiday again.
Susan the vet finds Cappuccino at the bus stop. Cappuccino tells Susan about the new rules at
the zoo – including no more holidays. Cappuccino tells Susan that he wants to go to Borneo and
Susan agrees to buy him a plane ticket. But then Susan finds out that Cappuccino has stolen the
money from Mr Jones and she says that he must go back to the zoo. Cappuccino begs Susan to
buy him the plane ticket and Susan says that she will see what she can do.
Cappuccino walks around the streets all day. He tries to talk to people but everyone is too busy to stop and
talk to him. He finds a bus stop and thinks the bus goes to Borneo.
Pingu, the penguin talks to Cappuccino. He says that Cappuccino should escape from the zoo and
go to Borneo. Cappuccino decides to escape, he steals Mr Jones’ keys and opens the cage. Just
before he leaves the zoo, Cappuccino steals money from Mr Jones.
Then Miss Carole arrives at the zoo – she is the new zoo director. She has new rules for the zoo that
stop all the fun activities. Everyone feels sad, especially Cappuccino who wants to go on holiday and
see his family.
There are activities every day: at 9 o’clock there’s Breakfast with Cappuccino, at 10 o’clock its
the Recycling Game and at 11 o’clock, there is the Orangutan Quiz. There is a singing
competition at 12 o’clock.
Susan telephones Mr Jones at the zoo and Mr Jones rushes to see Cappuccino with the news. At
the bus stop, Susan and Mr Jones talk to Cappuccino about what he should do. Should he go
back to the zoo or go on holiday?

Fem circuits elèctrics

Com cada any els alumnes de 6è treballem a classe el tema de les màquines i fem al laboratori i a plàstica una maqueta integrant un circuit elèctric.
Cada parella ha triat una maqueta diferent i ha pensat quins materials farà servir i ha fet tot el disseny. A partir de tot això hem començat la feina i ara a les hores de plàstica estem ben enfeinats portant a terme tota aquesta tasca. Uns pinten, altres retallen, altres fan figures de fang o de plastilina…
Estem molt il·lusionats amb el projecte i tenim moltes ganes de presentar a tota l’escola els resultats…però encara ens queda una mica de feina!

Ens posem al lloc dels altres

El passat dimarts 27 d’octubre la Núria, mestra de la ONCE ens va fer una dinàmica a tots els alumnes de sisè. Per començar ens va tapar els ulls amb un antifaç i ens va explicar que hauríem de fer un recorregut per l’escola per tal de sentir que sent una persona que no veu. Un cop fet el recorregut vam arribar fins al pati on havíem de saber on era només sentint la seva veu. Va ser molt difícil! Un cop a la classe vam parlar sobre el que havíem sentit i la veritat és que molts vam coincidir en que havíem sentit por de fer mal i ens trobàvem desorientats.
Després ens va explicar una mica en que consistia el braille i ens va donar un missatge i les lletres en braille perquè el desxifréssim. Deu n’hi do que complicat! També vam aprendre a escriure el nostre nom en braille!
Ens va agradar molt poder sentir i pensar per una estona en com es poden sentir els altres i d’aquesta manera ajudar-los amb la nostra actitud.

Els de 6è comencem teatre!

El passat dimecres 28 d’octubre els nens i nenes de 6è vam començar les classes amb l’Enric, el professor de l’aula de teatre de Mataró. Durant aquest curs els dimecres farem aquestes classes de teatre amb l’Enric i amb la Susana i així prepararem una petita mostra per representar a final de curs.
Durant la classe l’Enric ens va fer diferents dinàmiques per treballar en grup i anar perdent la vergonya. Ens va agradar molt i tenim moltes ganes de seguir treballant teatre!

Castanyada 2015

Després d’uns dies de preparar l’arribada de la tardor amb sortides al bosc, decoracions, treballs sobre aquesta estació, assajos i receptes, divendres passat vam celebrar la festa de la castanyada.
Vam anar al pati de l’escola per grups a menjar unes castanyes molt bones que pares i mares ens van preparar i vam fer unes danses al poliesportiu de l’institut Laia l’Arquera que van poder veure moltes famílies.
Aquí teniu una petita mostra del que vam fer:

P5: Conte: La Castanyera

P3: La Castanyera

P4: Sóc un bolet:

P5: Les castanyes peten, peten

EI (tots): A la tardor

1r: El Patatuf

2n: El tramvia de Mataró

3r: Virolet

4t: L’hereu Riera

5è: Ball de Cascavells

6è: La Xampanya