Author Archives: sara poveda rapela

Demi Lovato

His real name is Demetria Devone Lovato.
Demi Lovato is an actress and a singer. She is from Dallas,Texas. She’s 16 old.
Her birthday is on 20th of august.
Her best friend is Selena Gomez.
She (like’s) likes eating tacos and her favorite group is Paramore.
She always wears belt.

Famous Person

What does he do? He is a Singer.

What does he do (weekend) in his free time? He ( ‘s Plays ) sings.

Whats does he usually wear? (Chothes Punk.) He usually wears punk clothes

He’s from Germany.

He ( ‘s) lives in Leipzig.

He (‘s) loves girls.

(He’s) His favorite music is Green Day.

He’s playing in the group TOKIO HOTEL =)


Les meves vacances!

Hola! aquestes vacances m’ho estic passant de maravella.
Vaig al campus del club natacio sabadell per fer el campus de waterpolo.
Vaig quedar dos dies amb la meva amiga Judith va a quart de l’escola pau casals!
tinc ganes que comensi el cole 😉

dew! un peto!

$ara poveda


Monday :

I was nervous because there was two days for the adventure camp. (the colonies).


(All to) I packed everything because tomorrow we went (come)!


I went to the adventure home (colony) and I told all my friends that there was is (something) mysterious.


I (wake) woke up, we went to a fantastic castle (fantastic)! I walked and I was (am) tired =Ffriday:

I was happy for all the adventures we lived, (if and) we looked at the girl in the piano!

They were the best!!!! Va ser les millor colonies!

bye =D

of:Sara Poveda