The battle of Hastings 1066 (6th grade)
Hello 6th grade children! Today we were talking about Normand Castles (narrow lower windows, larger upper windows, moat and bailey) Do you remember?
Now you can play a game about “The battle of Hastings (1066)”.
Click on the image, choose a face and write your name. Then click on the KICK OFF button.
You have to answer 10 questions about the battle and score 10 penalties!
Tell me you results in a comment !
Hola Oscar aquest joc es molt divertit:):):)
dew oscar xd
bon dia o nit oscar e marcat 2gols en el joc de xutar al porter .Es molt guaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Ok, Javier. That’s fantastic !
You played very good yesterday !
I’m glad you liked it Helena !
See you on Tuesday !
bon dia oscar aquest joc de futbol es molt divertit dew
Thank you, Sergi !
But, how many points did you get ?
hy oscar he encertat 2 gols i he fet bé sis preguntas.
k mala sóc en el futbol!!!! dew!!
You are not so bad, Saray !
You scored 2 goals, that’s amazing !
hola oscar e acertat 5 preguntes i e marcat 4 gols
molt divertit el joc
fins dimarts dew
That’s gorgeus !
4 goals !
Oscar he marcat 4 gols i he acertat 5 preguntes dw
Marvellous, Sergio !
See you on Monday
Hola Oscar es molt divertit aquest joc he fet 3 `preguntes i 3 penaltis
Hola oscar aquest joc es bastant divertit jo n’he endivinat 6 preguntes i he marcat 5 penals
perdona oscar el de 6-5 es el meu esque m’he equivocat i no he posat el meu nom
Astonishing !! Andrea and David you did it fantastic!!
David scored 5 goals, you could sign for a BBVA Spanish League team, hahaha !
Now, David is winning !
OSCAR he tret 7 en les preguntes i he marcat 7 gols
Hola Oscar hem fet bé 9 preguntes de 10 i hem ficat 7 gols.
hola he ficat 4 gols
Hola Oscar aquet joc és molt divertit he marcat 5 gols i he fet bé 6 preguntes.
Fins demà!