Archive for 8 febrer 2010

Complete the instructions (5th grade)


Hello 5th grade boys and girls! Now it’s time to follow the instructions. Look at the picture and complete the sentence !

Click on the image to play and then on the START button. See you tomorrow in class !


Destination Impossible (5th grade)


Hi, 5th grade children ! Can you help these 6 characters by Giving directions to them?

Click on the image and choose a character. Then read the instructions and click on the correct answer A, B or C.

Tell me how many points have you got !


Food memory game (1st grade)


Hello, 1st grade students! Today we have been playing a MEMORY game about FOOD. You’ve got a lot of points !

Remember, you can play at home with: mummy, daddy, sister, grandma, grandpa or even with baby brother !

Have a look at the photographs ! See you on Wednesday !

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