Miss Vicki and Srta. Mariona now write a number next to each piece of our homework on the board so that when we get ready to go home we now know how many pieces of homework that we should have in our folders to go home. This also makes it easier to organise our homework at home. It really seems to work and Miss Vicki is really happy with all of us as nobody has forgotten their homework yet!
We should only take about one hour to do all our homework. It is important to only do this amount of homework after school so that you can also have some time for yourself for example: read a book , play outside, help your parents with dinner, watch television, anything to get your mind off school and homework. It is also important that you do your homework in a quiet and tidy space. It is very important to not have noise or distractions so that you can concentrate and maybe even finish your work quicker. Miss Vicki also says that if you do your homework in a tidy area then your work should be tidier too.
Cerys and Iakov