Being responsible and organised with our homework.

Miss Vicki and Srta. Mariona now write a number next to each piece of our homework  on the board so that when we get ready to go home we now know how many pieces of homework that we should have  in our folders to go home.   This also makes it easier to organise our homework at home. It really seems to work and Miss Vicki is really happy with all of us as nobody has forgotten their homework yet!

We should only take about one hour to do all our homework. It is important to only do this amount of homework after school so that you can also  have some time for yourself for example: read a book , play outside, help your parents with dinner, watch television, anything to get your mind off school and homework. It is also important that you do your homework in a quiet and tidy space. It is very important to not have noise or distractions so that you can concentrate and maybe even finish your work quicker. Miss Vicki also says that if you do your homework in a tidy area then your work should be tidier too.

Cerys and Iakov

How do I study for Social Studies?

Hello, my name is Marina. I am 11 years old , and today I am going to tell you how I study for Social Studies.
I usally do a diagram or photocopy a photo from the internet and stick it in my notebook.
I’ts very important to have your notebook organised because if you want to get good marks you need to be organised.
In my notebook I always use bright colours because if you need to study a lot of thing you will get very bored with a full page of writing in a blue of black pen.
Thank you for reading. I hope you have enjoyed my tips for your studying.

Making Pinch Pots


Today in our  art lesson we made clay pinch pots. It was very messy,  but we had  lots of  fun! Next week we will paint them and make  fruit out of plasticine to put inside them. We can’t wait!

Paulina and Cerys





JORGE AMER: I like to study with diagrams that I draw and definitions in a notebook. In the diagrams I write all I know and with the definitions I write the answers with my words.

ENRIC CAT: First I read all that enters into the exam five times (approx). Then I do a big diagram with everything that enters into the exam. And after I speak to my parents about the exam and talk about facts. Lastly, I check if I know everything. My mother makes an exam with all the possible questions, and then I do the exam.


JORGE: I study like this because I can write all the things I know and also because it is neater.

ENRIC: I study like this because I can learn the subject better and know that I know everything in the exam, so it cannot trick me because I have studied everything.

Put a smile on someones face!

In our study lesson we have been talking about what we can do to make ourselves and others happy. Sometimes all you have to say is “Good morning” to someone to make their day!

Here´s some of the positive phrases that we came up with.

1. “When I see you it makes me smile.”  Mar Aguilar

2. “You look very nice today.” Aina Mayà

3. “You are my best friend.” Guillem Fanals.

4. “How are you today?” Martina Queralt.

5. “Can I help you?” Oriol Tomàs

6. “When I´m with you I feel safe.” Paula Aguilar

7. “When I´m with you I feel special.” Maria Riera

8. “Would you like to play with me today?” Carla Muntada

We are going to try and use our phrase at least once a day to try and make somebody happy.

My Winter Poem

I look at the sky,

I see snowflakes fly,

Suddenly I know,

I won’t let you go.

Everybody loves you,

Including me too,

And I really can see,

That together we can be free.

I can hear a thing,

A big bell ring,

Now listen to the angel’s song,

And nothing will go wrong.

Tonight I will give you something,

Don’t worry because it’s a good thing!

I’ll give you this,

A good nights kiss!

By Emma Guillem

The Royal Oak High School Choir

Today we have watched amazing singers from the The Royal Oak High School from America. They started with the American Nation Anthemn. Spectacular. One of them played a song with the guitar and sang at the same time!! A girl of 17 years sang a perfect gospel. The director said she practised this type of music all her life. She sang a solo and made it look so easy. We want to sing like that!

We hope that they come and visit us again!

Joan de Castro and Nico Fortaner


Hello our names are Helena Rodríguez and Emma Guillem, we are students of primary 4A.

Every Wednesday we have a music class and Miss Dalia teaches us how to play the recorder, and some new songs. We like it a lot, because the days that we behave well in class with a good atitude Miss Dalia shows us a music video clip. At the  end of the class Miss Dalia also rewards us with a point means that we have being good that day. If she puts just half a point it means that we have being good but not that good and if she doesn´t put any points that means we have being not good enough at all.

Now we are going to show you some videos and some photos about the recorder. We hope you have enjoyed our blog!!!

Videos to come…