Les preposicions

Benvinguts i benvingudes!!

Aquesta setmana hem treballat les preposicions en català. La classe de 4A ha anat més enllà, ha buscat la definició d’algunes preposicions treballades i han escrit una frase.

Mirem com ho han fet alguns grups? Som-hi!

Helena Rodríguez, Aina Roldán, Enric Cat i Adriana Villalobos

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Natàlia Cabré, Helena Meliá, Emma Guillem, Alba Barnés

Ara, us animo a fer el següent: Busqueu altres preposicions i compartiu-les amb els companys/es comentant aquest “post”.

Probability Is Cool!

Today in mathematics we have studied probability. It is a very interesting subject

and we have had lots of fun throwing a dice with our partners in class!!

You should try this activity, its great!

Miss Margaret.


Material: a pencil, a small piece of paper and a 1 to 6 dice.

How to play: throw the dice 12 times and record each result.

Then repeat again and again.

Look and compare your results.

You can play by yourself or with others.

 What did you discover?

Multiplication Tables

Good Morning boys and girls!

Last Friday primary 4 had to study some multiplication tables for homework.

I’ve posted a great website to help you learn and memorise your tables!

Let’s get started and have fun too!

Remember to let me know what you think about this website.

Hoping to hear from you soon,

Miss Margaret


Let´s get blogging!!

My name is Mr Scott, I am the tutor teacher of primary 4A at Saint George´s School.

Very soon our class along with primary 4B will be posting information, class work and

various activities that we have been working on in the classroom.

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Recently we have been working on poetry and the students have completed many interesting

pieces of work. Here is an example called ¨The Rainbow¨


I hope you enjoy our  blog and all the exciting posts which we will present to you!

Mr Scott


Benvinguts i benvingudes!

Hola a tots i a totes,

Us donem la benvinguda al vostre bloc. Es tracta d’un espai on compartir i publicar les vostres idees i reflexions. Us animem a aplicar, relacionar i ampliar el que anem treballant a la classe i a publicar-ho en aquest espai per tal que tots puguem gaudir-ne. Ànims!

Miss Margaret, Mister Scott i Senyor Joel