Hello our names are Helena Rodríguez and Emma Guillem, we are students of primary 4A.

Every Wednesday we have a music class and Miss Dalia teaches us how to play the recorder, and some new songs. We like it a lot, because the days that we behave well in class with a good atitude Miss Dalia shows us a music video clip. At the  end of the class Miss Dalia also rewards us with a point means that we have being good that day. If she puts just half a point it means that we have being good but not that good and if she doesn´t put any points that means we have being not good enough at all.

Now we are going to show you some videos and some photos about the recorder. We hope you have enjoyed our blog!!!

Videos to come…

Primary 4 Plays

Hello, we are students of primary 4a.

In English we have been working in groups to recreate fairytales.

Each group chose a play and we want to talk about them and what we did.

  1. We chose the groups.
  2. We chose the play.
  3. we read the play as a group.
  4. Each group member chose a character and we thought up ideas to recreate the plays.
  5. We rewrote the fairytale.
  6. And now we are practising and preparing to show it to the class.

Nico’s group including Natàlia, Cloé and Mar are doing THE ENORMEOUS TURNIP.

Mar is the little girl, Natalia is the old women and narrator , Cloé is the turnip and Nico is the little boy. It’s great.

In Helena’s group there are five children. Jorge will play the role of the mother, Alba is Goldilocks, Martí is the father, Adriana V is the little bear and Helena M is the narrator. Our book is called GOLDILOCKS.

I think our play will be very funny.


Helena M and Nico F


Hello, my name is Martina and I am a student of 4A.

Today I’m going to explain to you about what we have been doing in our maths class. Recently we have been learning about probability. First we played a fun game in pairs using coins. We enjoyed a lot. The game consist of  throwing one coin and predicting if the coin throw would show us a head or a tail. We had to count how many times we got tail or a head. Afterwards we had been working with a text book called Abacus text book 3. In this book we did very different activities about probability. We also did the same activity with a six sided dice. Predicting which number would be rolled and then recording our answers. This showed show us the probability that each number would rolled.  We had lots of  fun.


From: Paulina and Martina.



Hello, we are Alba B. and Silvia M. Our class is 4A and we want to tell you about Art.

In Art we designed some beautiful paper t-shirts about FRIENDSHIP. We had a competition and we voted and the winner was…MARTI S!!!!!!

Then we created Marti´s  t-shirt with a real t-shirt and paints . Everyone collaborated in this process.

After that we looked at shading many different objects including bananas, apples, bottles and shapes.

Do you know how to shade?  We are waiting for your comment.

BYE see you next time.

Alba and Silvia





Music Talent

Hello we are Marti and Iago from primary  4A.

This week  in music we have been learning songs with the recorder. Do you know how to play the recorder ? Look here and you will learn.









By: Marti S. and Iago R.



Safety in the Summer

Hello, our names are Enric C. and Nico F.

We would like to show you how to be healthy during the summer and when it is hot:



  • Always wear a hat for protection from the sun (not a wet hat).
  • Use high protection suncream.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Avoid sports in the sun, especially between 12pm and 4pm




  • Wash and dry your skin thoroughly.
  • Do not use other people’s towels, sponges or personal items.


  • Always wash your hands before eating.
  • Keep all fresh fruit in the fridge.
  • Wash all fruit well before eating.



It is very important to follow the hygiene steps to keep clean as our body 

odour attracts mosquitoes.

  • Avoid using perfume and cologne.
  • Use insect repellents.



  • Do not bathe in water were there are jellyfish.
  • If a jellyfish stings you :

> Wash with salt water

> Go to the life-saver or a doctor.


From: Nico F. and Enric C.

Capitals of the World

Hello, I am Roger Pelaez of primary 4A with Mr Scott. In social studies we have been learning about lots of new places in the world and their capital cities. We have also looked at the coat of arms , national anthem and national animal.

Here are examples of capital cities:

Spain – Madrid

France – Paris

China – Beijing

Bangladesh – Dhaka

United States of America – Washington

Canada – Ottawa

Argentina – Buenos Aires

Egypt –  Cairo

Tonga – Nuku´alofa

New Zealand – Wellington


Now you know more capitals of the world.


flag nz

Here are some more capitals of the world:


Andorra-Andorra la Vella









Sri lanka-Colombo





Roger P and Jorge A with help from Enric C



Hello! we are Martina and Paulina,  students  of primary 4A.

We will explain to you what we are learning about in social studies.


It is very interesting because we are learning lots of

things that we didn’t know like: what is a municipality, what are municipal services,

what is a county, what is a province and Spain´s autonomous communities…. We

have lots of fun because we are trying to name the 17 autonomous communities in

front of the class in less than one minute which is very difficult!!!!!ac pic


Look at the video!!!!

From:Martina and Paulina.