Tutor Time is fun :)


Every Friday afternoon we have one hour of Tutor Time. This is our favourite lesson. It is taught in English and every week we look at different things.

Last week we were learning about hygiene and we made some posters with our classmates about how important it is to keep ourselves clean.

To be clean you need to:
Change your clothes regularly. After school hang your uniform up so that it gets aired and smells fresher.
Clean your teeth twice a day.

Shower every day. Remember to massage your head when you are washing it as this removes dead cells.

Change your shoes. If you have two pairs of school shoes try to change them every day. If you only have one pair make sure you take them off when you get home and let them get some air.

Although deodrant can make you smell nice, you should only put it on in the morning after you have showered. Putting it on top of a smelly body won’t get rid off the smell.

Summer is coming and with it comes the heat. It is very important that we follow these rules otherwise we will have a very stinky classroom!

Liliana Amer and Silvia Manera


Primary 4 Plays

Hello, we are students of primary 4a.

In English we have been working in groups to recreate fairytales.

Each group chose a play and we want to talk about them and what we did.

  1. We chose the groups.
  2. We chose the play.
  3. we read the play as a group.
  4. Each group member chose a character and we thought up ideas to recreate the plays.
  5. We rewrote the fairytale.
  6. And now we are practising and preparing to show it to the class.

Nico’s group including Natàlia, Cloé and Mar are doing THE ENORMEOUS TURNIP.

Mar is the little girl, Natalia is the old women and narrator , Cloé is the turnip and Nico is the little boy. It’s great.

In Helena’s group there are five children. Jorge will play the role of the mother, Alba is Goldilocks, Martí is the father, Adriana V is the little bear and Helena M is the narrator. Our book is called GOLDILOCKS.

I think our play will be very funny.


Helena M and Nico F

Let´s get blogging!!

My name is Mr Scott, I am the tutor teacher of primary 4A at Saint George´s School.

Very soon our class along with primary 4B will be posting information, class work and

various activities that we have been working on in the classroom.

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Recently we have been working on poetry and the students have completed many interesting

pieces of work. Here is an example called ¨The Rainbow¨


I hope you enjoy our  blog and all the exciting posts which we will present to you!

Mr Scott