In class we have been learning about the different energy sources which exist in our world . We have a lot of kinetic energy in our class!! We had great fun presenting our knowledge on this. Emma was very funny trying to run faster than light!
Yesterday we looked at different types of electricity , we made a closed electric circuit which made a light switch on. ¨Closed” means that all the wires are connected together. We didnt’t get an electric shock as the wires were protected with a plastic insulator. Some of us even got to connect motors and a light at the same time.
It was a very interesting lesson. We would like to do more lessons like this!
Mar Aguilar and Emma Geremias
I really enjoyed making the electrical circuits. I worked with Liliana and we had a lot of fun. The best thing was working in pairs as we needed to conect the crocodile clips to the light and the battery