Medieval History

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This term Social Studies is all about Spain’s history. We are learning so much about how Spanish citizens lived. We have learnt about their every day life, different religions, and how things have changed since the first recordings of man.

We have found it very interesting to learn how Spain developed into a powerful empire. It was the Catholic Monarachs Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand who paid Christopher Columbus to make his historic trip. It´s very funny to think Christopher Columbus travelled 4 times to America believing that each time he was in India. He died not knowing that he had discovered a new continent!

We have done lots of research on Christopher Columbus and did you know that nobody knows where his body was buried?

We have also done lots of art work. Such as cave paintings, where we painted with sticks. We have made castles and today we made Maya masks. Who would have thought history was so interesting?

Martí Salvador and Joan de Castro

How do I study for Social Studies?

Hello, my name is Marina. I am 11 years old , and today I am going to tell you how I study for Social Studies.
I usally do a diagram or photocopy a photo from the internet and stick it in my notebook.
I’ts very important to have your notebook organised because if you want to get good marks you need to be organised.
In my notebook I always use bright colours because if you need to study a lot of thing you will get very bored with a full page of writing in a blue of black pen.
Thank you for reading. I hope you have enjoyed my tips for your studying.

Capitals of the World

Hello, I am Roger Pelaez of primary 4A with Mr Scott. In social studies we have been learning about lots of new places in the world and their capital cities. We have also looked at the coat of arms , national anthem and national animal.

Here are examples of capital cities:

Spain – Madrid

France – Paris

China – Beijing

Bangladesh – Dhaka

United States of America – Washington

Canada – Ottawa

Argentina – Buenos Aires

Egypt –  Cairo

Tonga – Nuku´alofa

New Zealand – Wellington


Now you know more capitals of the world.


flag nz

Here are some more capitals of the world:


Andorra-Andorra la Vella









Sri lanka-Colombo





Roger P and Jorge A with help from Enric C



Hello! we are Martina and Paulina,  students  of primary 4A.

We will explain to you what we are learning about in social studies.


It is very interesting because we are learning lots of

things that we didn’t know like: what is a municipality, what are municipal services,

what is a county, what is a province and Spain´s autonomous communities…. We

have lots of fun because we are trying to name the 17 autonomous communities in

front of the class in less than one minute which is very difficult!!!!!ac pic


Look at the video!!!!

From:Martina and Paulina.