This term Social Studies is all about Spain’s history. We are learning so much about how Spanish citizens lived. We have learnt about their every day life, different religions, and how things have changed since the first recordings of man.
We have found it very interesting to learn how Spain developed into a powerful empire. It was the Catholic Monarachs Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand who paid Christopher Columbus to make his historic trip. It´s very funny to think Christopher Columbus travelled 4 times to America believing that each time he was in India. He died not knowing that he had discovered a new continent!
We have done lots of research on Christopher Columbus and did you know that nobody knows where his body was buried?
We have also done lots of art work. Such as cave paintings, where we painted with sticks. We have made castles and today we made Maya masks. Who would have thought history was so interesting?
Martí Salvador and Joan de Castro
I can´t wait to learn more!
I enjoyed working in my group making the castle but I think that we should have made it smaller. It was difficult to take it home on the bus!! I am enjoying learning the historical things about my country. I have learnt lots of new things 🙂
In art we made some castles my group made a really big castle. If I could do it again I would make it a bit smaller .
But the most important thing was we worked hard in our teams , tried hard and participated!!:)