50 ways to save the Earth

Our planet is an amazing place, but it needs our help to prosper! That’s why each year on April 22, more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day to protect the planet from things like pollution and deforestation. By taking part in activities like picking up litter and planting trees, we’re making our world a happier, healthier place to live.

Year 5 students have recorded a video suggesting 50 ways to protect the Earth. We hope you enjoy it!


Benvolgudes famílies de 5è,

Comencem una nova setmana a casa, ja en són moltes. Aquesta setmana és de tres dies, dijous i divendres són dies de festa escolar i no hi haurà vídeo trobades. Aprofiteu per gaudir de les estones de sortir al carrer.

A continuació us adjuntem el full de tasques per a la setmana del 27 al 29 d’abril: