THE OPPOSITE FLAG Petit Plançó School
PETIT PLANÇÓ: The opposite flag
CHAPTER 6 by Escola la Bòbila
After “Pepball demo/show”, Manchester United’s coaches signed up Pepball and he played his first match versus Manchester City. This match was the Champions League final and he was very nervous.
During the match, Manchester City was winning but Pepball scored a goal 2 minutes before ending the match. Manchester United’s suporters clapped because they were very happy. The match ended in a tie and they had to do penalties…
When they arrive at the other side of the city, they find a very big mansion. An ugly scientist opens the door and greets the crazy scientist, his daughter and Kokinyar.
The ugly scientist shows them the time machine and asks them where they want to go to.
“We want to go to the past, exactly before the match starts.” Kokinyar says. “We have to avoid my kidnap and all the bad things that happen after that”.
So, the ugly scientist gives them specific instructions on how to drive and use the time machine.
When they are ready, Kokinyar and his friends enter the time machine and travel to the past. When they arrive, they press a very big red botton to make the time machine small so that nobody can see it. The crazy scientist’s daughter keeps it in her bag. They put on costumes so that no one recognises them and go to find the Kokinyar of the past to help him.
LET’S GUESS “Sant Roc School”
Pepball was extremely upset because he wasn’ t a liar and nobody trusted him.
Then, the Police Chief decided how to solve the situation. The best football coaches in the world had to organize a “ Pepball demo/ show” to find out the truth. So…they did it.
After some great and unique goals, they concluded he was the real Pepball. People clapped and shouted: “ PEPBALL YOU ARE THE BEST”.
Kokinyar is seeing all that scene and he can’t believe it. He realizes that has only on hour and a half to save his life.
“Please, help me!” Shouts Kokinyar to the scientist and his daughter.
“You two have to find out a solution to this big problem!” Kokinyar asks for help.
“I’ve got a solution, but we need to go to the other part of the city”, the scientist says.
“What is it about?” The girl and Kokinyar ask at the same time.
“A good friend of mine has a time machine and we can travel in it to go to the past. It’s in the testing fase, but it works in all the tests.” The scientist adds.
“OK! We have to go there! Come on, let’s go!” Kokinyar shouts.
CHAPTER 4- Escola Castanyer
When Bunny knew the story he got very nervous and angry. After thinking a lot he decided to leave Pepball free.
Pepball was very happy to be free and he went quickly to the Stadium to meet his friends.
Once in the stadium, Pepball, very nervous, explained that he was kidnapped by a bad bunny who made a clone like him. But the players didn’t belive his story. They thought that he was the clone again, so they decided to call the Police.
After the party the team came back to the hotel. There some people were waiting for Kokinyar and his team. They put Kokinyar in a car and took him to a laboratory.
In the lab, they changed the ball for a bomb. Then, the kidnappers took Kokinyar back to the hotel with a note:
“There is a bomb in his body. It will explode in two hours”.
One girl suggested: “My dad is a crazy scientist. He can help us with the bomb”.
The crazy scientist had a formula to stop the bomb but he was wrong and used a formula for reviving people.
Suddenly Kokinyar hit the formula and it fell and broke!
The secret formula spread over the ground and dead people became zombies.
Then, it began the zombie apocalypse and …