Our class
Hello! The name of our class is Bees and we are twenty five students. In the door of our class we have a sentence “the best place to bee”. In our school there is just one class of 6th grade but it’s not a small school because there are secondary students.
Our playground is very big. We have a church and a pavilion next to our school.
On Wednesdays and Fridays at the afternoon, at 5 o’clock some kids play basketball in the school. Other kids play basketball in Olot. We like rollerblading, dancing, athletics ballet…
Bye! See you in May.
Hello, I’m Pepball! I’m a parrot and I’m twelve years old. My feathers are yellow and orange. I’ve got blue eyes and my beak is big. I’m wearing the T-shirt and the shorts of the Brazil team. I’m wearing football boots too. I’m from Brazil.
I’m a football player. I’m like Neymar but I’m a parrot.
I’m fast, strong, clever and agile. I’m so clever that in one second I see the movements of the other players. I’m very nice and funny. I love bananas and fodder.