Conferència sobre “El riu Llobregat”

Els nostres companys Xavier i Albert ens han fet una molt interessant conferència sobre el riu Llobregat. Ells es van proposar treballar a fons el tema per a poder-nos explicar la importància d’aquest riu tant proper però a la vegada tant desconegut. Moltes felicitats per la vostra feina.

11 thoughts on “Conferència sobre “El riu Llobregat”

  1. asher

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  2. M Farooq

    Online Ping Website Tool: What it is and Why You Need it

    As the owner of a website, it is essential to ensure that your site is always accessible and available to your audience. This is where online ping tools come in. These tools are designed to help you check the status of your website and ensure that it is up and running at all times.

    In this article, we will discuss what online ping tools are, how they work, and why you need them for your website.

    What is an Online Ping Tool?

    An online ping tool is a web-based tool that sends a signal or request to your website’s server to determine its status. The tool essentially pings your website to check whether it is online, offline, or experiencing any technical issues.

    How Does an Online Ping Tool Work?

    Online ping tools work by sending a signal or request to your website’s server, which in turn sends a response back to the tool. The response will indicate whether the server is online, offline, or experiencing any technical issues.

    The ping tool measures the response time and reports back to you whether the site is up or down. It will also provide additional information about the server response time, which is essential for troubleshooting issues related to website performance.

    Why Do You Need an Online Ping Tool?

    As a website owner, it is essential to ensure that your website is always up and running. The last thing you want is for your website to be down, and you are not aware of it. This can result in a loss of traffic, revenue, and credibility.

    An online ping tool can help you stay on top of your website’s performance by providing real-time information about its status. By using a ping tool, you can:

    Monitor website uptime: Online ping tools can help you monitor your website’s uptime and alert you if it goes down. This can help you take immediate action to resolve any issues and minimize downtime.

    Troubleshoot website issues: If you notice that your website is slow or experiencing technical issues, an online ping tool can help you troubleshoot the issue by providing information about the server response time.

    Improve website performance: By monitoring your website’s response time, you can identify areas that need improvement and take steps to optimize your site’s performance.


    In conclusion, an online ping tool is a useful tool for website owners who want to ensure that their website is always up and running. By using a ping tool, you can monitor your website’s uptime, troubleshoot technical issues, and improve your site’s performance. So, if you haven’t already, consider using an online ping tool to keep your website running smoothly.

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