Daily Archives: 24 octubre 2008


YAKAN TOP (burning ball) 

You can play this game with maximum 8 players. Players separate two groups 4 by 4. First group stay in the middle of the area and the game begins. Second group try to kick first group’s players and they run away in order not to be kicked. 


  1. If the player who is in the middle catch ball on the air, this player has extra chance.
  2. A player who is kicker leave the game.
  3.  When there is only a player in the middle of the area, this player has to run away from ball for 12 times to rescue his/her team. If player kicked other group start. The group which win the game for 3 times are winner.
  4. They can’t go outside around game area.
  5. Players have to kick the group in the middle when ball is only on the air.



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Traditional dance starts with song “Strong man frolic” after that goes traditional Serbian steps cold: “makazice”, “valjevska podvala” and after that goes “kolubarski vez” and “orient” and the games end with left, right and smalls steps cold Chachak. The final of traditional games is “three steps”. All these parts of traditional dance is made of steps from:Valjevo, Kolubara and Chachak region of

Game from Nishava valley.The boys start the game with the song “Oj lele

Mountain” and they play “six steps” after that boys and the girls continue together with the steps “lile-lile” than goes steps “rumena” and after that steps “klecka” and steps around the circle. After that girls get separated from the boys and the boys are doing jumps around the circle. The end the dance is very fast and made of various free stapes.



Rules of folkball: 

Participants: each team has 6 players and one of them is a reserve placer. 5 participants take a part in each game set: 4 players are on the field and 1 is the captain and stands on the opposite side of the field. Reserve players join the game when a new set begins or in the case of an injury.  Inventory: the game is being played with volleyball, either one belonging to the team or to the organizes. Rules: players move within the folkball field (7x15m), which is fenced in by lines. Lots are draw for the ball and field privileges. The following set is started by the team that has lost the previous game. Team-captain begins the set. 4 players are on the field and the captain stands in front of them, on the opposite side of the field. The task of the players is to “beat out” players of the opposite team and theses players have to either avoid the ball or try to catch it. If a player is hit, he/she leaves the field and joins the captain; the game continues. It is allowed to throw the ball across the field without “beating out” the players no more than two times in a row. 

A player is a “beat out” if:- the ball that is caught slides out of the player’s hands;- the ball throw by an opponent player strikes any part of the player’s body and falls on the grown. 

The ball can be tacked:- by catching the ball throw by the opponent team,- by catching the ball that bounces back from the ground,- if the ball is throw out of the borders of the field, then it belongs to the team on the side of whose captain the ball is,- if the ball touches a team-player, other players can catch it without allowing the ball to hit the ground, this way the player’s “life” is saved. 

The captain is allowed to throw the ball only from the ending line of the field without stepping into the field of the opposite team. If any player oversteps the limits of his/her field during the throw, the throw does not count and the ball is passed to the opposite team. If the ball hits an obstacle or a spectator outside the field and returns to the field, it must be returned to the opposite team. 

A set ends after 5 minutes. To start a new set the players change fields. Team – captain can be switched after the game. The judge has the right to stop the game in case of injuries as well as to extend the set by 1 minute in case of intentional retardation of times. 

Assessment: during the game the judge notes each hit for each team separately. As the set ends the “beat out” players are counted in each team and the team which counts the least “beat out” players is considered the winner of the set. The game is played until 2 sets are won. Teams get 2 points for each win and 0 points for a loss. 

In case of equal amount of points team ranking is determined by:

  1. Results of mutual games of the teams,
  2. Proportions of won and lost sets,
  3. Proportions of won and lost points.

THE BIG PHOTO-HUNT.A cheerful exercise for all teams together. One representative of each team receives a sheet with 10 photographs. After the start the teams depart to look for photographs in visible places and hidden words attached to them. These words form an expression. The team that has found all spots and has put the words in the right order in the shortest time, wins. 

TUG – OF- WAR, THE ROPE.The competition takes place with sports footwear only, special footwear is not allowed (boots and football shoes). The competition takes place in accordance with the Tug-og-war rules. Each team has 2 women and 4 men. The team with tne best results wins the competition. 

THE LAST COUPLE SPLITSPlayers make couples and stand behind other couples in a row (the more couples join the game, the longer the row becomes). One of the players stands on the front of the now alone and says: “The last couple splits”. Then the last couple actually has to splits, each person runs to the front along his/her own side and they have to catch each other in order to stay together. At the same time the player who is alone tries to catch someone from the couple that has just split. If he/she manages to do so, a new couple is formed. The one who is alone stands in front of the row and says: “ The last couple splits!”. The essence of the game is not to stay alone and the one who loose his/her pair has to try to catch a new one!


RISTANC.Ristanc is a game for two to four people. A chalk and a little stone are everything that your need. There is no leader; all the players have the same roles. 

HOW TO PLAY?First we need to draw the “ristanc” – this is the playing field divided into nine smaller fields (8 squares and the final bigger field). In every field we write a number 1-9. Now we can start playing. 

The first player has to throw the stone in the first square. Than he jumps into the first square on one leg an picks up the stone. Still standing on one  leg the player has to jump into all drawn fields, turn at field  with number 9 and go back (again jumping on one leg). If he does this successfully – that means without stepping on the line of any field and still holding his stone in the hand, he can continue with throwing the stone on the field with number 2 and so on. If he throws the stone out of the field he would suppose to or if he jumps on the line, the next player starts the game. The player that firs finishes with throwing the stone on all the nine fields wins


GO GET IT!Each participant will be identifield with one number(from1 to 5, or more, depending on the number of the participants from each group) and the name of his country. For exemple: the Romania group can be like this: Anca = Romani 1; Andreea =
Romania 2, etc. 

One person will start the game, will have the ball and will call one person to catch the ball and then he will throw it backwards. The person which was called has to catch the ball while the others are running as far as possible from the place where the ball will be caught. When the catcher gets the ball he says STOP and everybody freezes. Then he choose a person to “kill”, he makes three steps and turns about. He throws the ball to the chosen one. If the target is hit, it is called “killed” and gets out of the game, and the thrower choosen another person to start over, calling “come, come country…”. If not, the thrower is out of the game and the one who will start the game again is the chosen target. The winner is the last remaining. 


THE RINGLE (marble) 

How to play ringer (marbles)?

  1. There are two players on each side. Each team has marbles of different colours. The aim of the game is the get all the balls of one team into the hole as the first.
  2. Each person throws one marble from the line to the hole (the line is aprox. 7,5m from the hole, the hole is aprox. 10cm big). The one who throws the closest to the hole, starts.
  3. This person the throws all marble (one after another, not all at the same time) from the line to the hole, trying to throw them to the hole directly. The same does the person from the other team afterwards.
  4. The next part of the game is played by filliping (movement of finger). Each person fillips into his marbles, the players take turns after on fillip, no matter if the marble ended in the hole or not.
  5. The one who has all the marble in the hole, wins.

Methodology and aims of this game:The main aim of this game is through the means of sport activities create a friendly atmosphere for young people, who will then easily learn about other cultures and their cultural habits. Typical national games adds to the cultural identity awareness. Though these activities the participants will also improve their language skills – they will have to communicate with the other teams and explain the rules of this game to the others


Traditional games help the children to learn the world that surrounds them by getting to know new things, new words, and new people. During studies games also were a helper in remembering any complicated information or simply gaining attention. Becoming older, games still continue to help people. Competitive and sport, social and active, interesting and instructive games promote high – minded feelings, formation of aspirations, gaining of united goals, and concentration of strength. Moreover games help to strike up an acquaintance or friendship with others. 

Estonian traditional games are tightly connected with traditional calendar. For exemple: 10 november and 25 november. Day of Mardi: A group of boys dressed in a fur (inside out), their faces stained with the shoot, ask to enter houses, being guests. Those the guests, and boys – MARDID wish to the master of the house to have a rich harvest in a coming season. Day of Kardi: the same, only with a group of girls. The most interesting games characterizing these days are: 

“SLIMATEGEMINE”     WINK.12-14 players.Preparation:  girls make a ring, sitting in the chairs. Behing every girl stands a boy. One boy stands behind a free chair. He tries to attract any girl, by giving winks to her. The boy who stands behind the girl must be ready to hold her back, if she tries to run away. The leader can change the roles.Rules 1. The person to whom anyone gives a wink, should try to escape from his place, as fast as he can. 

Between the family and Kadri girls or Mardi boys were held different competitions – games: 

“Jooks kartuliga (munaga)”  – A race with the potato.2 – 3 players or a team.Preparation. Each players gets a spoon with potato or egg. The leader appoints the distance (star, finish). Players compete on appointed distance keeping potato (egg) from falling down.Rules:

  1. To run attentively, keeping balance.
  2. If potato fall down, you can’t go on with the race, until you set it once again onto the spoon.


“Running on piece of paper”.2 – 3 players or a team.Preparation: each player must have a piece of paper in both hands.Game. There is only one rule in this game – running as fast as possible to the finish point, but you must do it on a piece of paper. Foot must not touch the ground, only the paper. 

New Year traditional in
On the New Year evening boys come from one house to another wishing happy New Year in the costumes of goats. Goats sing songs, play games with the children; those games are mostly showing your strength and adroitness. Most popular of edge of the chair. Two players, standing back-to-back, legs apart having a pole between them. The two players have two different goals, one (who has the man of straw behind his back) tries to kill the boot –maker with the help of a pole, another tries to avoids this.A lot of traditional games have to do with the holiday called “vastlapaev” (pancake week). During the pancake week people played competitive and sociable games. Most popular of them are “Jooks munaga”, “kotisjooks”. 

“Kotisjooks” –  A race in the bags.2 – 5 players or a team.Preparation: the leader appoints the distance of the race (star, finish). Prepares bags. Players get into the bal and start competing. The one who crosses the finish line first is the winner.Rules: players can get out of the bag, only after crossing the finish line.In summer time Estonian customs are more fully revealed on the equinoctial day – called Jaanipaev. Such the traditional things as jumping over the fire and dancing, singing around the fire is typical for this holiday.Entertaining games were competitive and active games or singing games, like “kes aias”, this  game played old Estonians as early as 100 years ago (Who is in the garden?), “kukevoistlus” (games cocks), “Kotisjooks” (a race in the bags).