Rules of folkball: 

Participants: each team has 6 players and one of them is a reserve placer. 5 participants take a part in each game set: 4 players are on the field and 1 is the captain and stands on the opposite side of the field. Reserve players join the game when a new set begins or in the case of an injury.  Inventory: the game is being played with volleyball, either one belonging to the team or to the organizes. Rules: players move within the folkball field (7x15m), which is fenced in by lines. Lots are draw for the ball and field privileges. The following set is started by the team that has lost the previous game. Team-captain begins the set. 4 players are on the field and the captain stands in front of them, on the opposite side of the field. The task of the players is to “beat out” players of the opposite team and theses players have to either avoid the ball or try to catch it. If a player is hit, he/she leaves the field and joins the captain; the game continues. It is allowed to throw the ball across the field without “beating out” the players no more than two times in a row. 

A player is a “beat out” if:- the ball that is caught slides out of the player’s hands;- the ball throw by an opponent player strikes any part of the player’s body and falls on the grown. 

The ball can be tacked:- by catching the ball throw by the opponent team,- by catching the ball that bounces back from the ground,- if the ball is throw out of the borders of the field, then it belongs to the team on the side of whose captain the ball is,- if the ball touches a team-player, other players can catch it without allowing the ball to hit the ground, this way the player’s “life” is saved. 

The captain is allowed to throw the ball only from the ending line of the field without stepping into the field of the opposite team. If any player oversteps the limits of his/her field during the throw, the throw does not count and the ball is passed to the opposite team. If the ball hits an obstacle or a spectator outside the field and returns to the field, it must be returned to the opposite team. 

A set ends after 5 minutes. To start a new set the players change fields. Team – captain can be switched after the game. The judge has the right to stop the game in case of injuries as well as to extend the set by 1 minute in case of intentional retardation of times. 

Assessment: during the game the judge notes each hit for each team separately. As the set ends the “beat out” players are counted in each team and the team which counts the least “beat out” players is considered the winner of the set. The game is played until 2 sets are won. Teams get 2 points for each win and 0 points for a loss. 

In case of equal amount of points team ranking is determined by:

  1. Results of mutual games of the teams,
  2. Proportions of won and lost sets,
  3. Proportions of won and lost points.

THE BIG PHOTO-HUNT.A cheerful exercise for all teams together. One representative of each team receives a sheet with 10 photographs. After the start the teams depart to look for photographs in visible places and hidden words attached to them. These words form an expression. The team that has found all spots and has put the words in the right order in the shortest time, wins. 

TUG – OF- WAR, THE ROPE.The competition takes place with sports footwear only, special footwear is not allowed (boots and football shoes). The competition takes place in accordance with the Tug-og-war rules. Each team has 2 women and 4 men. The team with tne best results wins the competition. 

THE LAST COUPLE SPLITSPlayers make couples and stand behind other couples in a row (the more couples join the game, the longer the row becomes). One of the players stands on the front of the now alone and says: “The last couple splits”. Then the last couple actually has to splits, each person runs to the front along his/her own side and they have to catch each other in order to stay together. At the same time the player who is alone tries to catch someone from the couple that has just split. If he/she manages to do so, a new couple is formed. The one who is alone stands in front of the row and says: “ The last couple splits!”. The essence of the game is not to stay alone and the one who loose his/her pair has to try to catch a new one!


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