GO GET IT!Each participant will be identifield with one number(from1 to 5, or more, depending on the number of the participants from each group) and the name of his country. For exemple: the Romania group can be like this: Anca = Romani 1; Andreea =
Romania 2, etc.
One person will start the game, will have the ball and will call one person to catch the ball and then he will throw it backwards. The person which was called has to catch the ball while the others are running as far as possible from the place where the ball will be caught. When the catcher gets the ball he says STOP and everybody freezes. Then he choose a person to “kill”, he makes three steps and turns about. He throws the ball to the chosen one. If the target is hit, it is called “killed” and gets out of the game, and the thrower choosen another person to start over, calling “come, come country…”. If not, the thrower is out of the game and the one who will start the game again is the chosen target. The winner is the last remaining.