THE RINGLE (marble) 

How to play ringer (marbles)?

  1. There are two players on each side. Each team has marbles of different colours. The aim of the game is the get all the balls of one team into the hole as the first.
  2. Each person throws one marble from the line to the hole (the line is aprox. 7,5m from the hole, the hole is aprox. 10cm big). The one who throws the closest to the hole, starts.
  3. This person the throws all marble (one after another, not all at the same time) from the line to the hole, trying to throw them to the hole directly. The same does the person from the other team afterwards.
  4. The next part of the game is played by filliping (movement of finger). Each person fillips into his marbles, the players take turns after on fillip, no matter if the marble ended in the hole or not.
  5. The one who has all the marble in the hole, wins.

Methodology and aims of this game:The main aim of this game is through the means of sport activities create a friendly atmosphere for young people, who will then easily learn about other cultures and their cultural habits. Typical national games adds to the cultural identity awareness. Though these activities the participants will also improve their language skills – they will have to communicate with the other teams and explain the rules of this game to the others

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