Running dictation

The running dictation is a good activity to do in class. You can do it in one-hour session and the main aims of this activity are to put practise your listening, writing and grammar skills, to play with your classmates and to test your memory as well. You can play it in class or with a group of friends. Depending on the text you choose, you can revise one or other content. This is a good activity to put into practise some basic competences too, the linguistic, cultural, learning to learn and knowledge and interaction with the world competences can be the most important one’s.

😎 Try it! Divide your class into groups of 3 or 4 at maximum. Each member of the group has to have a pen and a paper. Take a table and put it in one corner of the class, as far away from the groups as possible. The teacher/another student who acts as a teacher sticks on the table 3, 4 or 5 copies of the same text, as many copies as groups. Each team nominates a runner. It is the runner’s job to make repeated journeys between their groups and a text. On each trip, the runner should attempt to remember (accurately) a chunk of language and then relay it to his or her group members who write it down. Everybody has to be a runner and a writer and there has to be a time to complete the activity (3,4 or 5 minutes…). When everyone finishes, each group compares their text with the original, the winner will be the group who has made less mistakes!

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