The Internet is an enormous collection of answers. The challenge is to find them! Start by doing a scavenger hunt, be yourself the teacher of your class and prepare an activity to your students. You will learn lots of interesting stuff.
What is a scavenger hunt?
A scavenger hunt is a web page with a number of questions and a list of web addresses to find the answers to those questions. At the end there is usually “the big question”. The answer to that is not found directly in any of the suggested web pages, so you have to read, understand, process and produce their own answer.
Scavenger hunts are very useful activities for a number of reasons: you and your classmates can research and learn a lot about a certain topic, you prepare your project reading real English, you practice different abilities in relation with the use of ICT, and you improve your reading comprehension and your written and/or oral production.
😎 Try it! You can work in groups of 2 or 3 students. Choose a topic from the English culture you want to learn more about (Art, History, Sites and Monuments, Important people, Sports…). Look for information on the net. Then, try to do your own scavenger hunt. The next class, exchange your hunts with the rest of the groups and try to solve the other scavenger hunts. You will learn a lot of things and spend a good time.
Useful web pages:
Scavenger hunts at Education World: A collection of scavenger hunts organized by month.
Scavenger hunt generator: you can use this web page as a model to create your scavenger hunt.