Calvin & Hobbes are the two main characters of the comic strip written and illustrated by Bill Watterson. Calvin is an imaginative six-year old boy and Hobbes, his energetic stuffed tiger. If you don’t know them, don’t miss the link in this post they’re really good!
😎 Try it! Look at Calvin’s funny faces and try to match them with their definitions. If you need any help click on the definitions. Once solved, you can check your answers in the comment attached. Good luck!!
To be angry / To mock / To make a smile / To be sad / To be surprised / To give someone a wink / To scream / To make slanting eyes / To pull a face / To be tired / To pick your nose / To be scared
1 To mock
2 To make slanting eyes
3 To be tired
4 To be sad
5 To be surprised
6 To pull a face
7 To be scared
8 To give someone a wink
9 To pick your nose
10 To be angry
11 To scream
12 To make a smile