Category Archives: Greatest hits!

Lyrics training

Do you have any favourite song in English? Don’t look for the lyrics in Internet to translate it! Try to guess the lyrics yourself using a useful web page: Lyrics training, an easy and fun method to learn and improve your foreign languages skills, through the music videos and lyrics of your favorite songs.

😎 Try it! Click on the lyrics training web page, you can look for your favourite song using the search tool or choose any English song to practise. Songs are organised by levels: easy, medium and hard. Once you have completed the missing word(s) the song will go on. If you get lost, use narrows to go up and down the song. It’s easy and fun!!!

Sk8er Boy (Avril Lavigne)

Avril Lavigne is a Canadian pop singer who started making records at the age of 16. One of her most famous hits is ‘Skater boy’ or ‘Sk8ter boy’ in modern slang. The abbreviations are quite common in slang as well as in sms messages.

8-) Try it! After listening the song, can you translate (transl8) the abbreviations?


active8     4 2
gr8 b4 g2g      
l8r 4eva      ur

Do you know any other sms abbreviations in English?