Category Archives: Games

What’s his/her job? Play a board game!

Teacher, policeman, secretary, pilot, fireman, actress, reporter, pop star… do you know all the jobs in English?

😎 Try it! Click on the matching game and review some of them. Then, you can print the board game, practise and play with your classmates. You need a dice and some markers to play this game. When finishing you can play a miming game in groups.

De Board games

Is Sudoku an American game?

Milions of people are hooked on sudokus. In a sudoku you have to complete a puzzle of numbers from 1 to 9.


😎 Try it! It is believed that Sudoku was originally an American game, not Japanese. If you want to know more about sudokus, listen and read this abstract. After listening and reading, try to answer the questions you’ll find in the comment attached. If you want to play a sudoku you only have to click on the picture above.

Calvin’s funny faces

Calvin & Hobbes are the two main characters of the comic strip written and illustrated by Bill Watterson. Calvin is an imaginative six-year old boy and Hobbes, his energetic stuffed tiger. If you don’t know them, don’t miss the link in this post they’re really good!

😎 Try it! Look at Calvin’s funny faces and try to match them with their definitions. If you need any help click on the definitions. Once solved, you can check your answers in the comment attached. Good luck!!


To be angry / To mock / To make a smile To be sadTo be surprisedTo give someone a wink  To scream To make slanting eyesTo pull a face To be tired To pick your nose To be scared

Popword: when you click on pop, the letters don’t stop!


Popword is a game similar to tetris but with letters. You have to drag the mouse in order to create a word in English. Longer is the word, more points you’ll have.

😎 Try it! At first try to build simple words, you can repeat them and get extra points. It goes fast but if you try the game several times you’ll become an expert!