Alea iacta est

Julius Caesar said ‘alea iacta est’ upon crossing the Rubicon in 49 BC, according to Suetonius. It is used when you cross the point of no return, usually in risky situtations when the outcome is not very clear.

Of course, we’re talking about the end of the 1st term. All the examinations have been taken and now we have to wait for the results.

Wow! Imagine him as a teacher!! Foot in mouth

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About whitefield

En Marc Blanco és professor d' anglès a l' IES Cubelles (Barcelona). És llicenciat en filologia anglo-germànica per l' UAB, va estudiar un post-grau sobre l' anglès medieval a la University of Manchester. Porta 9 anys ensenyant anglès, a gent de negocis, a l' ESO i al batxillerat de centres concertats i ara, amb les oposicions aprovades el 2005, a l' escola pública.

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