Rabbit “a la caçadora”

– 2 Rabbit.
– c/s Salt and white pepper.
– 1´5 dl Oil.
– 250 g Onion
– Garlic chopped.
– 30 g flour.
– 250 g Tomato seeded
– ½ l White wine
– ½ l black broth
– 1 kg Mushrooms precooked
– c/s Parsley chopped
– 500 g Rice
1- Heat the oil in a fry pan.
2- Season and brown the rabbit. Reserve
3- Put the same oil in a big pot.
4- Fry the onion and the garlic chopped
5- Add the pieces of fried rabbit and sprinkle the flour, let fry lightly.
6- Add the tomato chopped and fry lightly.
7- Add the white wine letting it reduce for about 2 minutes.
8- Add the black broth in a low flame, cover the pot until the rabbit is tender.
9- Finally add the mushrooms and it’s ready to eat! Serve.
Enjoy the meal!!

Florentine poached eggs and mornay

– 8 eggs
– 200 g. of creamed spinach
– 4 dl bechamel
-50 g grated cheese

1- Make the creamed spinach.
2- Make the mashed Duquesa.
3- Make the Bechamel.


1- Heat the eggs for 1 minute in warm water. Reserve
2- Form two nests of mashed in a dish.
3- Filled with the spinach cream.
4- Put an egg on top of each nest.
5- Add the béchamel sauce.
6- Sprinkle grated cheese and bake it.

-This dish is served with mushed Duquesa.

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Chicken à ratatouille

1 chicken
2 red peppers
1 medium green pepper
2 onions
3 garlic cloves
2 aubergines
2 courgettes
200 gr tomatoes chopped
Oil, Salt
1/2 litres chicken broth

Cooking method
Clean the chicken and cut it into 8 pieces. Heat the oil, add the chicken and sauté for about 4 minutes or until lightly browned. Add the aubergines, onions, courgettes, peppers and cook for 6 minutes stirring occasionally, add the other ingredients and chicken broth, season and boil until the chicken is cooked.

Olivier Salad (also Russian salad)

1’5kg potatoes cut into cubes
500gr carrots, cut small
500gr green beans
300gr peas
6 eggs
200gr red pepper
200gr mayonnaise
300gr tuna
Garnish (tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, anchovy)

Cooking method
Peel and cut potatoes, green beans and carrots into small pieces, boil and reserve. Blanch the peas and boil the eggs, peel the eggs and cut into small cubes, roast peppers and chop into slices. Mix all the vegetables inside the bowl, season with mayonnaise, add salt and pepper to taste. It can be garnished with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, anchovy…

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Risotto with mushrooms

Ingredients, for four portions:
250 g. rice
1 L. meat broth
150 g .mushrooms (clean and cut into pieces)
1 onion ( sliced )
1 cup of virgin olive oil

1 cup milky cream
25 g. butter
50 g. grated parmesan

Cooking method:

Fry the onion gently in olive oil and reserve.
Sauté the mushrooms in olive oil and add in the onion.
Stir and add the rice and remove for two minutes.
Add one part of meat broth and season.
Stir constantly and add meat broth for about 17-18 minutes.
Separate of the fire and mix gently the butter, grated parmesan and milky cream.
Finally serve the dish.

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Green spaghetti “al pesto”

Ingredients, for four portions:
320 g. green spaghetti
1 garlic
25 g. walnuts
25 g. grated parmesan
1 cup olive oil
Milky Cream
50 g. butter
30 g. pinenuts

Cooking method:

Prepare all the food and cutlery and crockery.
Boil the spaghetti in salty water , let them cool and reserve.
Brown the pine nuts.
Grind the salt, garlic, walnuts and grated parmesan.
Chop the parsley and basil.
Add the milky cream and remove.
Place in the casserole with oil and mix gently and cook moderately for two minutes and to taste.
Sauté the spaghetti with oil or butter and add the sauce.
Serve in the nice dish and garnish with golden pinenuts.

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• 2 ducks
• 400 gr vegetables for broth
• Salt and pepper
• Olive Oil
• 4 oranges
• 50 gr sugar or honey
• 2 dl Cointreau
• 3 dl meat broth
• 1 dl porto


1. Prepare all the ingredients and the cookware.
2. First, heat the duck for 20 minutes, add the vegetables.
3. Get the duck to the oven, and cut it in a half. Remove the bones.
4. Add porto and water in the backing tray for sauce.
5. Caramelise it with the sugar, add the orange juice and the porto. Let it caramelise.
6. Cover the duck with this caramel and put them in the oven, when it’s brown, remove and serve.

• 400 gr. rice
• 150 gr. cod
• 100 gr.chickpeas
• 1 potato
• 1 carrot
• 1 onion
• 2 tomatoes
• 2 garlic cloves
• Saffron
• Olive oil and salt
• Broth
1. Prepare all the ingredients and the cookware.
2. Cut the potato into slices. Desalt the cod 24h before cooking, and cut it into pieces.
3. Cut the carrot in 5 or 6 pieces. Grate the onion.
4. Peel and crush the tomatoes.
5. Boil the chickpeas with salty water .
6. Sauté the garlic cloves, add the potatoes and remove them when gold. Reserve.
7. Brown slightly the cod and reserve.
8. Add the carrot and onion in the same olive oil, when it’s fried , add the crushed tomatoes.
9. When fried, add the rice, saffron, chickpeas and the broth.
10. Add the cod and salt to taste.
11. Finally add the potatoes and bake them for about 18 minutes

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Conditional Sentences


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Menjar Blanc (Almond Cream)

Menjar Blanc is a rich, almond-flavoured dessert which is typical in the southern parts of Catalonia.

Ingredients for four people:

8oz (200g) raw peeled almonds
4 Cups (1 litre) of water
8oz (200g) of sugar
3oz (85g) of corn starch
1 cinnamon stick
Rind of 1 medium lemon
1 cup (¼ litre) of milk
Ground cinnamon

Finely chop the Almonds
Boil the water.
Add the Almonds, Lemon rind and the Cinnamon stick to the water then immediately remove from heat.
Cover and leave to soak around 3 hours.
Slowly add the cornflour to the milk (no lumps)
Add the Milk and Sugar to the mixture and boil it.
Place into bowls, leave to cool.
Serve cold, dusting with ground cinnamon .

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Catalan Moules Marinières

If Moules Marinières originated in Catalonia is debatable – many consider it’s origins were the west coast of France.

There are nearly as many variations in Catalan Moules Marinières as there are Catalan restaurants who jealously guard their own recipes. The following recipe is typical and a favourite but some ingredients can be changed. Try changing half the wine with fish stock, the crème fraîche with cream, or add more garlic – develop your own Catalan Moules Marinières recipe!

This recipe serves four as a main course (use ¼ of the quantity if serving as a starter).

Serves 4 people
Preparation & cooking time: 15 minutes

2 kilograms of live mussels
half bottle of cheap Catalan dry white wine
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
30g butter
10cl (c1/2 cup) of crème fraîche
1/2 finely chopped parsley
salt and pepper
As an accompaniment:
Crusty bread.
Mussels are high in protein and low in fat & cholesterol. A 100 gram portion of cooked blue mussels contains 24g of protein but only 172 calories. It is rich in iron, calcium, manganese, phosphorous, selenium, zinc and vitamins A, B12 & C.


· Carefully wash the mussels in salty water to help the mussels to clear the sand and grit. Remove the beard . Discard any mussels that are damaged or are open (and do not close on tapping).
· Peel onions and cut into thin slices, melt the butter in a large saucepan, add the sliced onions and cook over medium/high heat for 4 minutes,
· Chop the garlic and add to the onions, cooking for a further 3 minutes.
· Add the white wine, garlic, then the mussels and parsley.
· Cook for approximately 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the mussels are generally open.
· Discard any unopened shells, which indicate that they were not alive before cooking.
· Remove the mussels into a serving dish using a spoon.
· Add the crème fraîche to the cooking sauce while stirring and immediately pour the mixture over the mussels.

The difference in colour of the meat of mussels has nothing to do with freshness or a difference in taste. The orange meat is found in the shell of a mature female mussel, whilst the paler meat mussels belong to males and young females.

Catalan Moules Marinières is traditionally served with chunks of fresh crusty bread, but in northern Europe fries are often served as an accompaniment instead.

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Cod Catalan

Ingredients (for four portions):

800 g desalted cod, cut into 4 portions
150 ml white wine
250 ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil
8 cloves of garlic, peeled
500 g of potatoes with oil to fry them
Salt and pepper to taste

Cod Catalan –
A delicious Catalan
Main Course


Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into 1 cm thick slices
Fry them in oil until they soften.
Spread the potatoes out on an oven tray and season with salt & pepper
Place the portions of cod oand whole peeled garlic cloves on top
Pour the white wine and extra virgin olive oil over the top
Preheat the oven to 200oC
Bake at 200oC for 8 minutes
Remove from the oven and sprinkle the portions of cod with Paprika
Wet cod with their gravy and serve immediately

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