Echos and Question tags

Question tags. a) ORACIONS AFIRMATIVES AMB EL VERB TO BE EN PRESENT SIMPLE O CONTINOUS. S’utilitza la mateixa forma del verb en NEGATIU: aren’t you? isn’t he? isn’t she? isn’t it? aren’t we? aren’t you? b) ORACIONES NEGATIVES AMB EL VERB TO BE EN PRESENT SIMPLE O CONTINOUS. S’ utiliTza la mateixa forma del verb en AFIRMATIU: am I? are you? is he? is she? is it? are we? are you? are they? c) ORACIONS AFIRMATIVES AMB EL VERB TO BE EN PAST SIMPLE O CONTINOUS. S’utilitza la mateixa forma del verb en NEGATIU: wasn’t I? weren’t you? wasn’t he? wan’t she? wasn’t it? weren’t we? weren’t you? weren’t they? It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? They’re very nice people, ___________Martha is angry, ____________ Pedro’s flying now, _____________You are really tired, aren’t you? You are coming tomorrow ____________. I’m not late, am I? It isn’t a beautiful day, ___________Martha isn’t angry, _____________ You aren’t really tired, _________They aren’t very nice people, are they? __________ You aren’t coming tomorrow, _________. Pedro isn’t flying now, ___________ It was a beautiful day, ________. Martha was angry, wasn’t she? You were really tired, ________You were studying at 6, ___________He was flying when I phoned, _________ It wasn’t a beautiful day, ________? Martha wasn’t angry, was she? __________You weren’t really tired, _______? You weren’t studying at 6, ____________?
d) ORACIONS AFIRMATIVES AMB ALTRES VERBS COMUNS O MODALS . s’utilitza L’auxiliar en NEGATIU: didn’t she? hasn’t she? won’t she? shouldn’t she? can’t she? couldn’t she? You speak English, don’t you? You went to Costa Rica in 1990, didn’t you? Elena has traveled a lot, hasn’t she? Ann will be here soon, won’t she? Tom should pass his exam, ___________You can play the violin, ___________He could find a job, couldn’t he? She drives a lorry, _____________ You don’t like flowers, ____________? You killed a fly, _____________You didn’t kill a fly, _______________ She studies English, __________ She doesn’t study English, __________ You must study hard, ____________You mustn’t smoke, ___________. They go to the cinema every week, __________. They like eating apples, _________. You don’t like English, _______. He drives a taxi, _________
Echo Questions són un tipus de preguntes que fem els parlants per mostrar sorpresa.EX. She is really happy today, is she?
– I didn’t like the blue car. – Didn’t you? – He can speak English.- Can he? I like English. – Do you? I must go. – Must you? She speaks Italian. – Does she? . They went to the cinema. – ________. They study English. – __________. He drives a lorry. -___________ . They can sing very well. – _________ . He bought a pencil. – ________. He didn’t buy a pencil. – _________. They can play football. _______ They can’t play football. – __________. He likes it. – ____________. You study Chinese. – _______. She can cook. – _______. They love studying Japanese. – _______. He must learn to drive. ________.


Ich bin ein 57-jähriger katalanischer Lehrer, Schriftsteller und Literaturkritiker. Ich bin verheiratet und habe zwei Kinder: eine 23-jährige Tochter namens Rosa und einen 21-jährigen Sohn namens Guillem. Meine Frau heißt Araceli und ist Katalanischlehrerin an einem Gymnasium im Ebro-Delta. Ich lebe in einem kleinen Dorf namens Campredó im Süden Kataloniens. Ich unterrichte Englisch und Deutsch an einer weiterführenden Schule in Tortosa, das sich mitten in den katalanischen Ländern befindet. Ich interessiere mich für Kunst und Literatur. Ich spreche bereits mehrere Fremdsprachen (Englisch, Italienisch, Französisch und Deutsch) und lerne neue (Walisisch und Norwegisch). Ich liebe Fußball und unterstütze den FC Barcelona.
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