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- Maria Domingo Pérez en Australian English
Arxiu mensual: octubre de 2011
And some more informal letters
10th December Hi John, How are you? What are you doing this New Year’s Eve? Jean and I have decided to celebrate a party at home this year, and we hope you can come. We’re planning a small party with … Continua llegint
Informal letter
Dear Tony, It was great to get your letter. I miss you very much. Don‘t worry about me because I finally have settled into my new house and school. You remember we were supposed to live in the València centre? … Continua llegint
8th January 2004 Dear Jane. I hope you are feeling better. Can you sit in the garden and enjoy the sunshine? We all miss you in the office and look forward to your return. There are a few changes since … Continua llegint
Beginning formal and informal letters
Chicken with prawns
Serving Size: 4 3.5 lb chicken 8 prawns 6 ripe tomatoes, peeled and seedless 2 carrots 3 onions 1.5 lb toasted almonds 1 herbs 1/2 cup chicken broth Olive oil 2 small glasses of brandy Salt and pepper, to taste … Continua llegint
Catalan Lamb with Garlic
Servings Size: 4 1 shoulder of lamb 2 tablespoons olive oil 20 garlic cloves, peeled Flour 1 cup stock 1 tablespoon of tomato puree In a wide casserole, heat the olive oil and brown a shoulder of lamb on both … Continua llegint
Exercises on comparatives and superlatives
http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/regcom1.htm http://www.saberingles.com.ar/curso/lesson12/05.html http://www.clafoti.com/imagenes10/compa_1.htm
– Recipes – Paella Paella is an original rice dish from the Valencian country, cooked in a pan called paella. We add many ingredientsto the rice, including vegetables, fish, seafood and meat. A good paella always has fresh vegetables in … Continua llegint
British-American English vocabulary
British English/American English Vocabulary British English American English autumn autumn, fall barrister attorney bill (restaurant) bill, check biscuit cookie bonnet (car) hood boot trunk car park parking lot chemist’s shop drugstore, pharmacy chips fries, French fries the cinema the movies crisps potato … Continua llegint
Understanding Americans
UNDERSTANDING AMERICANS 1. a/ After queueing at the underground station to buy a return ticket, I realised that I’d left my wallet in my other trousers. b/ After standing in line at the subway station for a round trip ticket, … Continua llegint